Worth Clicking: The Best First Films, Emerging Theaters, & Remembering 9/11

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All links are hand-picked by the MediaStorm staff for your enjoyment this weekend. Cheers!

This girl ages into an old woman before your eyes without you noticing. [Vimeo]

Addicted to BuzzFeed? Here’s a list for every second of the day. [ListiClock]

On collaborating with a 4-year old. [the busy mockingbird]

Amid the chaos of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, nearly 100 search and rescue dogs were deployed. See the poignant photos of these four-legged 9/11 heroes. [Global Animal]

The 50 best first films ever made. [Film.com]

A photographer’s take on the iPhone 5S camera. [TechCrunch]

There is a teacher of photography that few speak of in today’s industry. She is shunned by many and with good reason. Nobody seems to like her. [PetaPixel]

While the market is changing, it doesn’t mean the end of movie theaters. [Transmedia Coalition]

Jonathan Klein, CEO and co-founder of Getty Images, discusses the future of the industry, the need for new economic models and the role of smartphones in a market in flux. [BJP]

New York Reacts places us right in Manhattan, two days after the Twin Towers fell. We hear as New Yorkers try to make sense of their anger and understand the unimaginable. [MediaStorm]