@EverydayIncareation Accepting Submissions

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Since we’ve been making Fight Hate with Love, we’ve had the privilege of meeting amazing people working on projects that aim to get to the stories behind the statistics of mass incarceration. A prime example is @EverydayIncarceration--a collaborative Instagram feed that tells visual stories about the impact of 40 years of mass incarceration in the United States. Check it out. In addition to the intimate nature of the imagery and stories, one of the most stunning elements of the project is its commitment to explore a participatory approach towards storytelling. In that vein, it is seeking submissions from people who have been impacted by incarceration at some point, in some way. Here are the details: @EverydayIncarceration is now accepting submissions of images, videos and stories that talk about the effects of incarceration in America that are not often discussed in mainstream media. Photographers need not be established professionals. Individuals from diverse backgrounds…

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