Paolo Pellegrin’s Double Blind featured on Digital Journalist

Photojournalist Paolo Pellegrin recently published his fifth book, Double Blind, a look at the Lebanon Conflict during the summer of 2006. A of the images from the book is featured in the October issue. Of his work during the conflict, Pellegrin says “As journalists, we were traveling a battlescape where all the traditional realities of the frontline had disappeared and where it was impossible to know how or where things were happening, or what might be about to happen next. It was, in many respects, an invisible war – until suddenly, it wasn’t.”

, a member of Magnum Photos since 2005, has spent many years covering conflict and stories around the world. He was awarded the Robert Capa Gold Medal this year, the W. Eugene Smith Award in 2006, and has won numerous other awards. His work ranges from AIDS in Uganda to the Gaza Disengagement, to Olympus Fashion Week.