MediaStorm publishes The Marlboro Marine and Never Coming Home

The Marlboro Marine by Luis Sinco
Los Angeles Times photojournalist Luis Sinco’s photograph of Marine Lance Corporal James Blake Miller became an icon of the Iraq War. is the story of how Miller tries to heal the scars of war and how two lives became connected by a photograph.

Never Coming Home by Andrew Lichtenstein and Zac Barr
As soldiers and marines perish in Iraq, headlines and funerals mark their passage. details a deeply personal and public bereavement, and shows a portrait of grief and sacrifice of families with a hole in their lives, nothing but memory where once there was a living son and brother. Originally published on MediaStorm in 2005, Never Coming Home has been expanded to include never-seen-before stories from several other American families who lost loved ones in Iraq.

Today also marks the two-year anniversary of MediaStorm’s online publication. We are honored to have worked with the talented photographers, videographers and animators who have made all of these stories possible.