Promise of Protection, Our Hidden Poor, Northern Short Course and WHNPA Student Contest

Worth Watching:

Promise of Protection
Another powerful multimedia piece from The News and Observer.

Vernetta Cockerham-Ellerbee’s husband made good on threats to kill her family when he stabbed to death her teenage daughter Candice in 2002. Cockerham-Ellerbe had begged police to lock him up. In a lawsuit, she’s asking them to pay for failing to protect her.

Our Hidden Poor
The Chicago Tribune published a special report, Our Hidden Poor, with an audio slideshow In their own voices.

Tens of thousands of families confront what often amounts to a daily struggle, if not for survival then at least for dignity. And their troubles unfold mostly out of sight, in barren apartments, soulless shelters or overflowing trailers. In these unseen places, hope can be as scarce as cash; victories tend to be small, hard-won and fleeting.


Northern Short Course
The 2008 Northern Short Course will be held in Rochester, NY, March 13-15. Confirmed speakers include Al Bello, Chris Usher, Jacki Lyden, Kristen Ashburn, and Olivier Jobard. Registration for the conference is available online. Deadline for Contest Entries is February 15.


Eyes of History Student Contest
Entries for The White House News Photographer Association (WHNPA) Student Photographer of the Year Contest are due March 1.