Open Society Institute Call for Proposals

The Open Society Institute’s Documentary Photography Project is pleased to announce upcoming 2008 deadlines.

For complete application guidelines, please see the attached documents and visit their website at:


Moving Walls 15
Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2008, 5pm (Eastern Standard Time)
OSI’s Documentary Photography Project invites photographers to submit a proposal and completed body of work for consideration in the Moving Walls 15 group exhibition. Moving Walls is an annual documentary photography exhibition that represents the obstacles—such as political oppression, economic instability, and racism—that society often erects and the struggles to tear those barriers down.

2008 Distribution Grant
Deadline: Friday, June 20, 2008 at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time)
OSI’s Documentary Photography Project is offering a grant to documentary photographers who have already completed a significant body of work on issues of social justice to collaborate with a partner organization and propose new ways of using photography as a tool for positive social change. All photographers must have another entity (such as a nonprofit, NGO, or community-based organization) that will work with the photographer to design an innovative distribution strategy that engages a specific audience, community, and/or site and presents documentary photographs in a way that has a meaningful and lasting impact on the communities or issues addressed in the images. Grants of $5,000 to $30,000 will be awarded.