Liberty Media Corporation honored A Darkness Visible: Afghanistan by VII Photographer Seamus Murphy and MediaStorm last week as the winner of its 2012 Media for Liberty Award.
The 2012 Media for Liberty Award acknowledges and encourages media contributions that explore the relationship between economic and political liberty. The winning entry is selected by a panel of judges and receives an award of $50,000.

A Darkness Visible: Afghanistan is based on 14 trips to Afghanistan between 1994 and 2010 by internationally-recognized photojournalist Seamus Murphy. As he chronicles Afghans caught in political turmoil, he highlights their often-overlooked desire for self-determination.

“This film puts the relationship between political struggles and economic hardships into clear focus,” said John Malone, chairman of Liberty Media. “In addition to being topical, it sheds light on history that even today is under-appreciated, and we are pleased to honor Seamus Murphy and MediaStorm.”
A Darkness Visible: Afghanistan was honored at an evening reception at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The event was hosted by Liberty Media and emceed by Tucker Carlson, a contributor to FOX News, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Caller news site and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

Earlier this year, A Darkness Visible: Afghanistan was also awarded the Picture of the Year International Award of Excellence for Long Form Documentary.