The Alexia Foundation will host the opening night of “Eyes on the World” at 25CPW Gallery on June 20th, 2013 in New York, New York.
The evening will feature current work on the clothes factory collapse in Bangladesh, an intimate look at domestic violence, and 2011 Alexia Foundation grant award winner Amanda Berg’s story on teenage binge drinking entitled “Keg Stand Queens.”
Event Details
“Eyes on the World”
25CPW Gallery (located at 62nd Street and Central Park West)
Thursday, June 20th, 2013
6:00 to 9:00pm
“Eyes on the World” will be on display at 25CPW Gallery Friday – Sunday, June 21st to June 23rd, 2013.
A lecture by photographer Amanda Berg will be open to the public on Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 at 4:00pm.
Admission is free. Donations to support The Alexia Foundation are encouraged. Please RSVP to sarahbeth@alexiafoundation.org or 718-753-7607.
More Information
For more information, see the Alexia Foundation event page.