Winners of AnthropoGraphia Award Announced – MediaStorm Makes Shortlist

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Hussein Saleh was born in an area of Yemen partially controlled by an Al Qaeda-affiliated group. This film follows him as he networks with the government and other parties to ensure that the Red Cross can carry out its hum-anitarian mission. Shortly after the film was made, he was killed by an airstrike. ("I Know Where I'm Going" / Mediastorm)

For the fifth consecutive year, AnthropoGraphia presents a series of human-interest stories that won’t appear on the front pages of newspapers. Continuing their commitment to advancing human rights advocacy through visual storytelling, the organization selected Liu Jie, whose work explores the problems of urban migration in China, and François Pesant, who investigated sexual abuse among U.S. soldiers, as this year’s Still Photography winners. Dirk-Jan Visser’s documentation of a young woman’s political activism in Guinea Conakry was selected as the winner of the Multimedia category.

The Migrant Nation documents the stories of China’s rural families, separated due to urban migration: the millions of workers who leave their homes as well as the children and old people left behind. In the final phase of this project, Liu Jie reunites each family through photography. (“The Migrant Nation”/Liu Jie)
Each year, in the most powerful military force on the planet, the U.S. Army, tens of thousand of women are sexually assaulted by their male colleagues. Few report these assaults, while those who do risk being expelled from the military, and have only a slight chance of seeing the perpetrator brought to justice. (“An Enemy Within”/François Pesant)
Mabintou is a young woman from Guinea Conakry who, for eight years, has lived in Paris as a ‘sans-papiers’. Despite an uncertain future, she continues her political activism, following developments in Guinea and fighting for recognition in France for those who are without legal status. (“In Conakry They Called Me Princess”/Dirk-Jan Visser)

MediaStorm’s film “I Know Where I’m Going,” created for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) with Simon Schorno, Leandro Badalotti, Tara Todras-Whitehill, and Eric Maierson was selected for the Multimedia Shortlist. All Honorary Mentions and Shortlist entries can be viewed at

Hussein Saleh was born in an area of Yemen partially controlled by an Al Qaeda-affiliated group. This film follows him as he networks with the government and other parties to ensure that the Red Cross can carry out its humanitarian mission. Shortly after the film was made, he was killed by an airstrike.

About AnthropoGraphia

AnthropoGraphia is a non-for-profit organization based in Montreal, Canada. The name AnthropoGraphia is a combination of the Greek words “anthropo” and “graphia”, which literally means ‘human-being – writing’. The essence of these terms reveals AnthropoGraphia’s mission: to write human stories, using photography as the medium. The organization is committed to the denunciation of human rights abuses through high-quality photography. It’s aim is to raise general awareness of issues that often marginalized by mainstream media.