MediaStorm Nominated for Webby Awards
MediaStorm has been nominated for the 11th Annual Webby Awards in the Magazine and Broadband categories and has been selected as an Official Honoree for the Best Home/Welcome Page category. In addtion, Slate Magazine has been nominated in the News/Documentary/Public Service category for Never Coming Home, a project produced by MediaStorm. MediaStorm has also been nominated for the The People's Voice Awards, which allows people around the world to vote on the nominees that are their favorites. Unlike other Awards shows where self-promotion is frowned upon, the Webby Awards encourages its Nominees to campaign for People's Voice votes, adding to the fun and spirit that personifies the Webby. You can vote for MediaStorm online. About the Webby Awards: Hailed as the "Oscars of the Internet" by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising, Online Film & Video, and…