Thoughts on Limitations

Last month, I spoke at the The Image Deconstructed workshop in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Also there was Sara Naomi Lewkowicz discussing her powerful series of photographs, Shane and Maggie. After her presentation, I asked, “How do you start a new project knowing that it probably will never match the caliber of this series?” She said, “I have to accept the fact that the best work of my career may already be done.” It was an incredibly honest and graceful response. Her best work may already be completed, and yet here she is, still fighting against the odds to do better each time. For me, there’s a great lesson: not simply that every project can’t be a bases-loaded-out-of-the-park-home-run but rather the underlying implication–that every time we pick up a camera or sit down to edit, we are fighting against the limitations of both the work in front of us and our own natural…

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MediaStorm Guide to Adding EQ Presence

This article is part of a series of posts with tips and tricks from our producers’ experience working with Adobe Premiere Pro CC after years of working in Final Cut Pro. To read more about why we made the switch, check out this post.

A few weeks ago at a family function, I started chatting with the guy running the soundboard. I asked how could I make the vocal audio sound better.

He said, all things being equal, the trick was to add 3 or 4 dB at about 3500 kHz.

I’ll walk you through how to do that in Premiere Pro.

First, from the Effects window, search for EQ.

Drag the effect on to the audio clip you’d like to change. Then, double click the audio selection so that it opens in the Source window.

In the Effects Control window you’ll see all of the EQ options.


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MediaStorm Guide to Google Docs Add-ons

At MediaStom, we edit all of our transcripts in Google Docs. It’s a great tool for real-time collaboration. When two people work on the same document, I can actually see my colleague’s edits as they happen.

Recently, Google introduced a new feature, Add-ons. Think of them as extensions for Google Docs that work across all browsers.

To get started, in an open Doc select the menu Add-ons > Get Ad-ons…

A pop-up window will appear, displaying available add-ons.


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User Questions on the MediaStorm Post-Production Workflow

Marius asks: I’ve previously bought your complete workflow and recently the Field Guide (so much good information guys!!). But I have a question. In the folder structure section you usually create an Z_Version folder and Z_Transcription. What do you put in these folders and why is it a Z? Let me begin by explaining the purpose of the version and transcription folders. At MediaStorm, we transcribe every interview. It’s the only way to make sure that no good bite gets left behind. It’s almost impossible to connect responses from the first minute of an interview with those spoken at the end unless they’re written down. So before we create a multi-camera sequence, we export an audio file of each interview for transcription. These audio files are exported to the Z_Transcription folder and can be deleted at the end of production as they won’t be used directly in the final project. The Z_Versions folder is used…

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Four Lessons in Filmmaking

I’m currently wrapping up editing on a new short film. Here are four lessons I’ve learned over the years from making movies. Crew Work with the best people you can afford. And if you can’t afford a great Director of Photography, call in favors and plan to trade services in return. You’ll have to work around others' schedules but nothing can ever replace working with talented people. Advice Feedback is critical. And there’s never a shortage of opinions. As the saying goes, everyone’s got one. It may be tempting to seek out as many opinions as you can. But doing so often leaves me at least feeling like I’m drowning in conflicting ideas. I’ve had more success seeking out the advice of two or three trusted friends who understand what I’m trying to do. In the end though, I think we have to learn to trust our own vision, even if others…

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