MediaStorm’s Guide to Restoring Preferences with Final Cut Rescue 5

Final Cut Rescue 5 is a simple utility that deletes Final Cut's preferences and replaces them with clean new ones. To setup Final Cut Rescue, first quit FCP. If you are using FCP 5, delete the preferences below: Users/[Your User Name]/Library/Preferences/ Users/[Your User Name]/Library/Preferences/Final Cut Pro User Data/Final Cut Pro 5.0 Prefs Users/[Your User Name]/Library/Preferences/Final Cut Pro User Data/Final Cut Pro Obj Cache Users/[Your User Name]/Library/Preferences/Final Cut Pro User Data/Final Cut Pro Prof Cache Next, restart FCP, make some changes and then save your project to create new preferences. Open Final Cut Resuce and click "Backup." You've now saved a clean set of preferences. The next time FCP is acting oddly, close the application, open Final Cut Rescue, and click "Trash" then "Restore." FCP should now be good to go. Final Cut Rescue 5 is freeware. Learn more about our approach to producing multimedia by purchasing MediaStorm's Post-production Workflow. Spanning more than…

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Hometown Baghdad

Hometown Baghdad is a series of vignettes about a group of 20-something friends living in a war zone. These short episodes, co-produced by Iraqi filmmakers, are as candid as they are insightful. They're also frequently funny. Episodes are available via, as well as YouTube, and iTunes.

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Final Cut’s Button List

One of Final Cut's hidden gems is the Button List, which is found under the Tools menu or by using the keyboard shortcut Option+J. The Button List allows users to create a shortcut button for any of Final Cut's numerous commands. To find a specific function, either click the disclosure triangle adjacent to the appropriate grouping or enter a keyword in the Button List's search field. Next, simply drag your selected function to the top right corner of your Browser, Viewer, Canvas, or Timeline window. (If you currently have no buttons on your bar, you'll see what looks like a coffee bean.) Your shortcut button will now appear. You can easily rearrange buttons via dragging and dropping. To remove a button, simply drag it from the bar. Finally, by right-clicking on a button, you can add a spacer as well as color-code your shortcuts. My favorites include "Export QuickTime Movie...," "Linked Selection,"…

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