Brian Storm to give keynote at Visual Journalism Bootcamp, hold Multimedia Storytelling Workshop
On May 27th and 28th, 2010, Fusionspark Media is holding a Visual Journalism Bootcamp in Langley, WA. Thought leaders and practitioners representing the fields of visual journalism, social media & social networking, Hollywood storytelling, marketing, citizen journalism, cloud computing and more will converge at the Langley Center for New Media to explore the emerging new value chain for sustainable visual journalism. Industry leaders, including Brian Storm, Tom Kennedy, Tony Deifell, Scott Anger, Brent Friedman, John Gauntt, Russell Sparkman, Dan Lamont, and Leif Utne, will be looking at questions such as: What's the best visual journalism experience for the audience? What are the best methods for reaching the audience? What do we need to create to take advantage of capabilities in new delivery platforms? What are the best methods for producing visual journalism? What's the best economic model for enabling visual journalism creation? What opportunities are there to earn livelihoods as visual journalists?…