MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Workshops launch new projects

During the week of September 19-25, 2009, we brought 6 talented professionals together to collaborate with the MediaStorm team at the fifth MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Reporting Workshop. See the projects produced during this workshop below or apply for the next round of Workshops. Family Kocktail by Deanne Fitzmaurice, Stan Alcorn and Doug Grant Kryssy Kocktail always dreamed of leaving her troubled family to join the circus. Now she eats fire and sits on an electric chair as a performer at the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. She also realized her dream of being part of a family. See the project. The Art of Attraction by Paolo Black, Melissa Pracht and Scott Lituchy The New York Post called them “The Best Buskers in New York City.” Street artist twins Tic and Tac perform their acrobatics in The Art of Attraction. See the project. Behind the Scenes by Maisie Crow MediaStorm intern Maisie Crow takes…

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Art Works Projects to host 3 events on Art and Design for Human Rights in New York City

If you're around New York City next week, Arts Works Projects is partnering with some great organizations to host The Event, The Exhibition, and The Dialogue- three fantastic photo-related events centered around Human Rights. THE EVENT Ron Haviv/VII OCTOBER 14, 6:00 PM Supporting Art and Design for Human Rights An evening of images and conversation presented by Art Works Projects and hosted by 3-form. Help support exhibitions like DARFUR/DARFUR and Congo/Women, and learn about new initiatives AT WHAT COST_Human Trafficking/Forced Labor/Child Labor and BLOOD/STONES: Burmese Rubies. Featuring: • Exhibition Photographers, including Ron Haviv and Marcus Bleasdale • Christian Delsol, Media Specialist, United Nations Population Fund • Leslie Thomas, Executive Director, Art Works Projects 3-form Showroom 520 8th Avenue 20th Floor $25 Suggested donation More information: 212-627-0883 Refreshments served   THE EXHIBITION Lynsey Addario/VII Network OCTOBER 1 - NOVEMBER 2, 2009 View Congo/Women, with work by award-winning photojournalists: • Lynsey Addario •…

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Don’t miss- How innovative photo collectives could save photojournalism- today!

This has a lot of potential to be a great conversation. Don't miss it! Strength In Numbers: How innovative photo collectives could save photojournalism From Miki Johnson, RESOLVE Blog: Time: October 6, 2009- 15:00 GMT Location: Online Event Description: For many photographers, one of the hardest things about the current business paradigm is that it requires them to work totally on their own. Photographers not only have to make photos, record audio, and capture video, they are also running their own business, coming up with their own assignments, and marketing their own work. There are many innovative groups working against this trend, who understand the benefits of banding together with other creatives, including people with different skill sets, like marketing, accounting and design. This webinar will ask four such groups to answer three basic questions: 1. How are you running your organization? 2. What are the benefits for the photographers/professionals involved? 3.…

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MediaStorm looking for Spring 2010 interns- apply by October 15, 2009.

We're looking for interns for Spring 2010. If you're motivated, highly-organized, and passionate about multimedia, we'd love to hear from you. Start dates are flexible. We're looking for experience in multimedia production, design, motion graphics, and/or programming for web. Internships will be paid. We've pulled together some of the most frequent questions applicants ask- please read through these, and let us know if you have any other questions. Application Deadline is October 15, 2009. Apply here. What will I be doing? This is a production internship. You will be working closely with the MediaStorm team to produce multimedia projects. This means full days in front of Final Cut, doing picture research, organizing images, transcribing, etc. If you are here during one of our Advanced Multimedia Reporting Workshops, you will be producing a Behind the Scenes piece (you can see previous ones here and here), but other than that, you will most likely…

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Words of Wisdom: Chad A. Stevens on learning important multimedia skills

We're kicking off a new series on the blog, talking with educators and journalism students about the value of Journalism school and the multimedia skills students need to start their careers. There has been a lot of discussion lately on whether it's worth it to go to Journalism school, and whether students are learning the multimedia skills they need to be successful in a pretty rough market. As the school year gets back underway, we're getting more and more questions from students wondering what skills they need to acquire to land jobs. Obviously, there are no simple answers to these questions, but we hope to offer up some words of wisdom for students and others interested in the profession, especially during this time of transition. We're going to kick it off with Chad A. Stevens- a former MediaStorm Producer, who is now an Assistant Professor at UNC Chapel Hill. Where are you…

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