MediaStorm produces ‘Crisis Guide: The Global Economy’ for Council on Foreign Relations

The Council on Foreign Relations and MediaStorm have collaborated to produce Crisis Guide: The Global Economy. This new Crisis Guide is an in-depth, multimedia look at the causes and consequences of the global economic crisis that seeks to unravel the questions surrounding the downturn and shed light on its policy implications, drawing on insights from leading thinkers on economics and international affairs. This is the fifth in a series of Crisis Guides,’s interactive, award-winning franchise, which seeks to bring context and historical perspective to the world’s most complex issues.

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MediaStorm Methodology Workshop to be held July 27-31, 2009

As we've traveled around the country and collaborated with many schools and newsrooms, it has become apparent that there is a strong desire and need for a forum focusing on the overall methodology behind creating and implementing a successful multimedia strategy. We have been working with educators and newsroom leaders to create a Workshop targeted specifically at educators looking to create curricula based on our approach, for organizational leaders tasked with creating and leading multimedia departments, and for professionals looking to start their own media company or integrate MediaStorm concepts into their organization. We will be holding the first MediaStorm Methodology Workshop July 27-31, 2009, at our offices in Brooklyn, NY. Over this five-day course, attendees will participate in a collaborative, fast-paced, hands-on overview of what it takes to produce successful multimedia projects. They will work closely with MediaStorm producers and interactive designers to learn the essential elements of multimedia post-production, project…

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MediaStorm produces The Global Governance Monitor for Council on Foreign Relations

MediaStorm has collaborated with The Council on Foreign Relations International Institutions and Global Governance Program to produce Nonproliferation, examining international efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons. Nonproliferation is the first chapter of the Global Governance Monitor, an in-depth multimedia feature examining multilateral efforts to confront global challenges. This comprehensive guide to the issue of Nuclear Nonproliferation leads viewers from the Dawn of the Nuclear Era through current issues with Iran, North Korea, and global nuclear treaties.

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MediaStorm looking for fall interns

MediaStorm is looking for fall interns. If you’re motivated, highly-organized, and passionate about multimedia, we’d love to hear from you. Start dates are flexible. We’re looking for experience in multimedia production, design, motion graphics, and/or programming for web. Internships will be paid. Please send email with resume, references and cover letter (discussing why you want to intern at MediaStorm and what you hope to get out of the experience) to Please include: - links to pieces you’ve produced/collaborated on (please indicate role in each) - available start/end dates - hours/week available - familiarity with Final Cut Pro, SoundTrack Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Aperture, Flash, and/or proficiency in other related programs. Email is preferred, but snail mail applications can be sent to: Brian Storm MediaStorm 55 Washington Street, Suite 420 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Please note that due to volume, no materials will be returned- do not send originals. There is no deadline for…

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MediaStorm publishes Driftless: Stories from Iowa

Driftless: Stories from Iowa by Danny Wilcox Frazier Life in Iowa can be punishing. Many Iowans expend their lives sweating over soil and spilling the blood of livestock; they endure the hardships associated with a life inextricably bound to the ups and downs of nature. Today, those challenges and a shift in our nation's economy have pushed the youth of rural communities to migrate to the metropolises of America. Those left in the wake of this out-migration continue their lives, seemingly unchanged from the generations that preceded them, and entombed in obscurity. The tension of contemporary rural life plays out here: the struggle of a family farm to continue, disenfranchised youth, the slaughterhouse, migrant labor, and the aged fading from Iowa's mythical landscape. Through their stories we gain insight to a way of life that is disappearing, a culture that could be lost forever. As "community" continues to be homogenized in zones…

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