MediaStorm offering Multimedia Storytelling seminar at LOOK3

We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with LOOK3 to offer a one-day Multimedia Storytelling seminar, prior to the Festival of the Photograph this summer.  Whether you're already producing multimedia stories, or are interested but don't know where to start, this workshop with Brian Storm will get you on the right path. The workshop will be focusing primarily on multimedia methodology and theory - this is not designed to teach you how to use your new audio recorder - it's a workshop where you will be asked to look deeper, into the when and why of different storytelling techniques and approaches. The Workshop will be held from 10am-6pm on June 10, 2009, in Charlottesville, VA.  We hope to see you there! What you will learn: Narrative Storytelling - Examples of successful projects - Developing the best approach for creating effective multimedia stories - Pros and cons of the various…

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Register now for NPPA’s Convergence 09, Multimedia Immersion Workshop

Registration for NPPA's Convergence '09 event is now open.  This year's lineup features 3 separate events- the Multimedia Immersion Workshop, June 6-10, a one-day seminar celebrating the 20th year of NPPA's Women in Photojournalism, on June 10, and the Visual Journalism Workshops, June 11-13.  The Convergence conference will be held in Las Vegas, NV. For those interested in multimedia training, the Multimedia Immersion Seminar is definitely worth checking out- our own Eric Maierson will be there as one of the coaches, along with some of the best in the industry. It will be "an intense, five-day, hands-on training experience for visual journalists looking to expand and grow their multimedia skillsets."  You even get a discount on the Visual Journalism Workshops for attending either of the other two.  Don't miss out!

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I Am Because We Are – Kristen Ashburn’s new exhibition at PowerHouse

If you're in NYC between March 25 and April 19, you should plan a trip out to the powerHouse Arena (in DUMBO), to see the exhibition of images from Kristen Ashburn's new book, I Am Because We Are. “I AM BECAUSE WE ARE is a book that touches the heart. In photographing the grieving, devastated, still beautiful, children of Malawi, victims of the AIDS epidemic that has murdered their parents, Kristen Ashburn gives everyone on the planet the opportunity to come to the aid of those most bereaved and helpless in this world,” said Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple. “It is a rare gift she gives: for we know in our deepest emotions that without the world coming to the defense and care of these children, the least of these, there will be no world peace.” I Am Because We Are is the companion volume to the acclaimed…

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Registration open for Truth With A Camera- Guadalajara

I can't say it better than they did: "Imagine children as young as 6-years-old, running in and out of traffic on a 6-lane highway, trying to sell a piece of gum, wash a windshield, or juggle oranges for change. They lack education, suffer from malnutrition, and are surrounded by a world of danger and loneliness. Now imagine it is your job to tell the whole world who these children are. To breath light into an existence too few know about. That’s the critical role photographers working with non-profits and NGO’s play. It is exactly what you’ll be tasked with if you join our next Truth With A Camera workshop in Guadalajara, Mexico. At over 5 million people, Mexico's second largest city is one of the most modern in Mexico, though social inequity and urban poverty remain a constant and painful reality for the tens of thousands who have sunk desperately below an…

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Upcoming Grant Deadlines at Open Society Institute

The Open Society Institute's Documentary Photography Project has a couple of upcoming deadlines for Grant opportunities- the Production Grant deadline is Friday, March 20 at 5pm, and the Distribution Grant deadline is June 19, 2009.  These are some fantastic opportunities for funding and support, definitely worth looking into. Production Grants: The Open Society Institute Documentary Photography Project and Arts and Culture Program announce a grant opportunity for documentary photographers from Central Asia, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan. Approximately 20 grants in the amount of $3,500 each will be awarded to photographers to produce a discrete body of work on a current human rights or social justice issue in the region. Grantees will also be assigned an internationally recognized photographer as a mentor to work with in workshops at the beginning and end of the grant and throughout the grant term. The aim of the Documentary Photography Project is to support creative work that…

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