Job Openings at Medill School at Northwestern University

From Rich Gordon, chair of the multimedia search committee at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University (for questions, contact him at The Medill School at Northwestern University is seeking to hire two faculty members in multimedia journalism. It's an exciting time here as we revamp the school's curriculum to prepare students for 21st century journalism careers. As recently as two years ago, a student could complete his or her studies at Medill without ever being required to produce a story in a form other than text. Now all students are expected to develop proficiency in still photography, audio, video and online journalism. All of them must bring audio recorders, video cameras and laptop computers with multimedia production software. Our new curricula call for all students to develop visual literacy, build multimedia storytelling skills and prepare themselves for a world where content and advertising are "pulled" by consumers rather than "pushed"…

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Vindicated by DNA

New York Times reporters spent over 3 months interviewing dozens of prisoners who have been exonerated by DNA evidence since 1989. The result was published this past Sunday, and is well worth checking out. The project includes an article along with audio interviews and profiles with freed inmates, and a multimedia look at the first year of freedom for one of the former inmates. Not only is this an important story, it's a great example of storytelling across multiple mediums. Article: Vindicated by DNA, but a Lost Man on the Outside Interviews/Profiles: Exonerated, Freed, and What Happened Then Multimedia: Free and Uneasy: The First Year Out

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NPPA NewsVideo Workshop

Registration is now being accepted for the 2008 NPPA NewsVideo Workshop. The Workshop will be held March 16-21, 2008, in Norman, OK. This workshop is designed for all levels of video journalists, including editors, reporters, and producers interested in video storytelling. Participants can register to Shoot and Edit (limited to 60 people), as a Participant (no shooting or editing), or as a Student (full-time students only). There is also a special two-day Hands on Non-Linear session, limited to the first 40 participants to sign up. Deadline for Shoot and Edit is January 24, 2008. For Participants and Students, deadline is March 1, 2008.

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MediaStorm publishes The Marlboro Marine and Never Coming Home

The Marlboro Marine by Luis SincoLos Angeles Times photojournalist Luis Sinco's photograph of Marine Lance Corporal James Blake Miller became an icon of the Iraq War. The Marlboro Marine is the story of how Miller tries to heal the scars of war and how two lives became connected by a photograph. Never Coming Home by Andrew Lichtenstein and Zac BarrAs soldiers and marines perish in Iraq, headlines and funerals mark their passage. Never Coming Home details a deeply personal and public bereavement, and shows a portrait of grief and sacrifice of families with a hole in their lives, nothing but memory where once there was a living son and brother. Originally published on MediaStorm in 2005, Never Coming Home has been expanded to include never-seen-before stories from several other American families who lost loved ones in Iraq. Today also marks the two-year anniversary of MediaStorm's online publication. We are honored to have…

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College Photographer of the Year

The results for the 62nd College Photographer of the Year Competition were recently announced, and winning images and stories are now available on the CPOY site. Travis Dove (Ohio University) was named 2007 College Photographer of the Year. Along with the still image categories, awards were also given for Multimedia Project (winner: Jeff Giraldo, Western Kentucky University) , Individual Still Image/Audio Story or Essay (winner: Crystal Street, UNC Chapel Hill) and Individual Video or Mixed Media Photo Story or Essay (winner: Tim Gruber, Ohio University). Congratulations to all!

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