The 19th UNAFF (United Nations Association Film Festival) starts tomorrow, October 20th, and is a “can’t-miss-event” for all documentary film fans in the San Francisco Bay area. The festival, one of the oldest documentary film festivals in the country, shares a lot of the goals MediaStorm strives towards in its mission, promoting education, awareness, and social change through images, dialogue and action. UNAFF celebrates the power of documentary films dealing with human rights issues, the environment, racism, women’s issues, universal education, war and peace. The theme of this year's ten day event is Compass for a Better World, and its program includes 60 films from almost 30 different countries, as well as several free panels on issues such as Guns and Society and Art for Social Change. For more information on UNAFF’s year-round events, and the full festival program and schedule, please visit: