Read more about the article An Uncensored Look Into Life in the Ku Klux Klan
The son of an Imperial Wizard of a North Carolina based Klan realm. (Anthony Karen)

An Uncensored Look Into Life in the Ku Klux Klan

The son of an Imperial Wizard of a North Carolina based Klan realm. (Anthony Karen)

Gaining access to secretive pockets of society is based on trust. It’s that trust that photographer Anthony Karen sees as the foundation of photojournalism. “It’s a moment that’s constantly validated, the wordless acceptance into someone’s personal space with a camera,” Karen wrote to Slate.

After documenting Vodou rituals in Haiti, Skinheads, and the Westboro Baptist Church, Karen finds himself accepted by the Ku Klux Klan. He began photographing the Klan in 2005, after reaching out to members through phone numbers and e-mails listed on websites. After earning their trust, he was allowed unrestricted access to photograph.


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“The Distance Between Us” on KickStarter

Photographer Chris Capozziello began to make photographs of his twin brother, Nick, in their early twenties. Nick has cerebral palsy. Though Chris didn’t set out to tell a story, the photographs he took helped him examine he and his brother’s story more deeply and move past the guilt he carried for being the healthy twin. He has compiled his photographs – along with raw, honest diary entries – into a book that you can help publish through Kickstarter.

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Worth Clicking: MediaStorm Links Roundup

All links are hand-picked by the MediaStorm staff for your enjoyment this weekend. Cheers! Own your audience and stop relying on YouTube. [Social Times] Trying to understand the invisible array of algorithms that power your Netflix suggestions has long been a favorite sport, but what’s actually going on in that galaxy of big data, those billions and billions of ratings stars? [Wired] See "A Darkness Visible:Afghanistan" take shape, from radio cuts to final output in less than 3 minutes. [MediaStorm Blog] In New York, widely regarded as a gay-friendly city, reports of attacks on same-sex couples are on the rise, one young couple tells their story. [The New York Times] In this multimedia presentation Nichols and Williamson re-create the feast and famine of the plains; the purring, bleating, and roaring of these cats; the fragile balance of lion survival. [National Geographic] “We have no problems with others telling the story. Our own…

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AI-AP Motion Art Awards Opens Call for Entries

American Illustration-American Photography (AI-AP), the leading juried annuals in North America, presents the second International Motion Art Awards (IMAA) celebrating photographers, illustrators and designers who make their work move in all media.

Entries of the year’s best photography, illustration, animation and design in motion can be submitted for award consideration through August 30, 2013.


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