LUCEO Announces Creation of Student Project Award

If you aren't familiar with the work of Luceo, they're worth checking out. There are some terrific photographers in the collective, working to support each other, and they've just announced that they will be funding a Student Project Award, to help support a developing photographer. More from Luceo: Luceo is united in a common belief that, through these times of change, the still image continues to be relevant. We believe that history extends beyond the news-cycle, and that ordinary people and personal struggle are avenues through which we can explore the bigger issues facing our world. It is with this purpose that we have created the Luceo Student Project Award. Luceo Student Project Award: Luceo also believes that developing photographers need support. To advance this cause, they have created the Luceo Student Project Award. This award will be disbursed annually to a talented student photographer in support of a significant and developing…

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Apply now for Knight Digital Media Center’s Web Publishing for Independent Journalists Workshop- Deadline Feb 17

The Knight Digital Media Center at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism is offering some terrific educational opportunities this spring, including a Web Publishing for Independent Journalists Workshop to be held March 21-26, 2010. The career path for many of today’s journalists is merging with entrepreneurship. Journalists who once covered topical, feature and investigative news for established newspapers are becoming independent publishers of specialty blogs and hyperlocal community news site. These sites fulfill an important role in the emerging news and information landscape. Powerful and easy to use Web publishing tools make creating quality online news sites easy and affordable. These new tools are allowing individual journalists and community journalism to flourish as part of the evolving news eco-system. The Knight Digital Media Center at the University of California Berkeley is offering an innovative new training workshop for journalists who have or are actively seeking to venture into online community or specialty…

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Truth With a Camera now accepting applications for January Workshop in Quito, Ecuador

Imagine children as young as 6-years-old running in and out of traffic in the street, trying to sell a piece of gum, wash a windshield, or juggle oranges for change. They lack education, suffer from malnutrition, and are surrounded by a world of danger and loneliness. Now imagine it is your job to tell the whole world who these children are. To breath light into an existence too few know about. That’s the critical role photographers working with non-profits and NGO’s play. It is exactly what you’ll be tasked with if you join the next Truth With A Camera workshop in Quito, Ecuador, January 9-17th. As with all TWAC workshops, students will be joined by their colleagues in-country to document stories surrounding issues of need that NGOs battle every day. Led by world class instructors who specialize in caused based photojournalism, the students will spend an intense week making a difference in…

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Twenty Ten project accepting applications from professional African journalists

Are you a professional African photo/multimedia journalist and you value free international training and a great opportunity in the run-up to, and during, the FIFA World Cup in South Africa in 2010? World Press Photo Foundation, Free Voice, Africa Media Online and lokaalmondiaal welcome African photo/multimedia journalists to participate in a great multimedia training opportunity. What is Twenty Ten? The Twenty Ten project is inspired by the 2010 FIFA World Cup -which is being organized on the African continent for the first time- and the media opportunities this has to offer. Football is an integral aspect of life all over Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. This project aims to give African journalists a voice, both on the African continent, as worldwide. It offers African journalists the opportunity to present their own view of African reality, as opposed to depending on foreign news organizations. Twenty Ten is a…

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Multimedia projects from Eddie Adams Workshop XXII now live

This past weekend, 100 students and well over 100 faculty and volunteers gathered in Jeffersonville, NY for the 22nd Eddie Adams Workshop. All of the students who attend shoot still images during the Workshop, and several are given the chance to also record audio and video for a final multimedia presentation. A team of producers, led by Brian Storm, Tom Kennedy, and Rich Beckman produced 10 multimedia stories this year. This year's multimedia team included: Jenn Ackerman, Kari Collins, Maisie Crow, Rob Finch, Sonya Hebert, Loup Langdon, Paul Myers, Stefania Rousselle, Steve Sapienza, and Melissa Wiley, with graphics by Jacky Myint and multimedia tech support from Bob Houlihan. See the projects on the Eddie Adams Workshop site. Congratulations to all of the students who attended Barnstorm XXII for a job well done!

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