Upcoming Grant Deadlines at Open Society Institute

The Open Society Institute's Documentary Photography Project has a couple of upcoming deadlines for Grant opportunities- the Production Grant deadline is Friday, March 20 at 5pm, and the Distribution Grant deadline is June 19, 2009.  These are some fantastic opportunities for funding and support, definitely worth looking into. Production Grants: The Open Society Institute Documentary Photography Project and Arts and Culture Program announce a grant opportunity for documentary photographers from Central Asia, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan. Approximately 20 grants in the amount of $3,500 each will be awarded to photographers to produce a discrete body of work on a current human rights or social justice issue in the region. Grantees will also be assigned an internationally recognized photographer as a mentor to work with in workshops at the beginning and end of the grant and throughout the grant term. The aim of the Documentary Photography Project is to support creative work that…

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March Digital Journalist now online

The March Digital Journalist is now online.  This month features Anthony Suau's feature on The Housing Meltdown.  You've probably seen his World Press Photo winning image of the police detective clearing a house, but the rest of the series is definitely worth a look, it's a very powerful take on what's going on in towns across the country right now. Of covering the story with detective Robert Kole, Suau says: "I was on edge each time we approached a home over the next day and a half I rode with him – I always wondered what emotion we would find next. Between evictions he took me to streets on which every home was closed as a result of foreclosures. I worked the streets of crack houses and boarded up complexes as he stood closely by. "Don't even think of coming here on your own," he told me as we pulled away." Lots…

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2009 World Press Photo Winners Announced

Anthony Suau, USA, for Time Congratulations to Anthony Suau, the 2008 World Press Photo of the Year winner for his image of an armed officer of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Department moving through a home in Cleveland, Ohio, following eviction as a result of mortgage foreclosure. Jury chair MaryAnne Golon commented: "The strength of the picture is in its opposites. It's a double entendre. It looks like a classic conflict photograph, but it is simply the eviction of people from a house following foreclosure. Now war in its classic sense is coming into people's houses because they can't pay their mortgages."  (you can watch MaryAnne talk about the photo here) You can see the rest of the winners in either a gallery or a list.  There's some amazing work in here from around the world, definitely worth checking out.  Congratulations to all of the winners!

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Worth checking out: The Arc Magazine launches new website

"The Arc Magazine is an online publication that shines a light on the authentic, independent experience. A fresh take on the "lifestyle" publication genre, it's a bi-monthly, creative cross-section of inspired living in the form of digestible stories and information that leads the reader to ponder their own inventive power (which we then encourage them to use for good and not evil)." This is a nice concept for an online publication (and not just because it features one of our projects this month).  It's a great compilation of totally different, but all interesting stories. Makes for some great Friday afternoon reading!

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February Digital Journalist now online

"I have been a photojournalist for the past 25 years, and have had the incredible opportunity to witness many of the worlds’ defining moments of modern history; the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of Communism in Eastern Europe in 1989; the end of apartheid in South Africa and Nelson Mandela walking out of prison in 1991; and most of the worlds’ conflicts of the past three decades. When our bus pulled into Maryland, on the eve of the inauguration, I knew after hearing the words of my fellow passengers, in some sense fellow pilgrims, that I was in the midst of a moment of history like maybe no other in terms of its historic magnitude, that I had ever witnessed and certainly not in America." ~ Peter Turnley The February issue of The Digital Journalist is now online.  This month features some great inauguration pieces, including a gallery, posts…

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