Worth watching: liveBooks interview with Harry Benson

"A good photograph can't be duplicated, cannot happen again. It's over. It's a moment in life, in history." ~ Harry Benson The newest installment in liveBooks' "Photographers in Focus" video series is an interview with legendary photographer Harry Benson. Perhaps most well known for his images of the Beatles, he is one of the most accomplished photographers in the business, having won numerous awards from around the world. Benson, originally from Scotland, was recently honored with a CBE by the Queen of England.  This is the fifth interview in the series, you can see all of them at the liveBooks site.

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University of Missouri School of Journalism Commencement Speech

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Columbia, MO, Jesse Hall – I went back to my alma matter yesterday to deliver the commencement speech at the University of Missouri's School of Journalism graduation ceremony. I do presentations all the time, but always with the support of visuals. The process of writing a speech was new and intense, but it was rewarding to share the experience with the Class of 2008. I was introduced by graduating senior Robert Crosby. Robert Crosby: Our speaker is Brian Storm who graduated with his Missouri School of Journalism master’s degree in 1995. Mr. Storm is president of MediaStorm, the award-winning multimedia production studio based in New York City. MediaStorm has won several nationally recognized awards for its multimedia and documentary work. In just the past two years, the company has won multiple Webby Awards, Pictures of the Year International awards and an Emmy. Mr. Storm… Brian Storm: It’s quite an honor to be…

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December Digital Journalist: What Matters by David Eliott Cohen

The December issue of The Digital Journalist is now online. This month features David Eliott Cohen's new book - What Matters - containing 18 long-term photo essays by some of the best photographers out there. From David's intro: "I created this book because I believe in my heart that one great photograph can change the world. And if I can show 250 great photographs about the crucial issues of our time to enough people, then maybe one of those people, or maybe a few people, or, maybe even many of those people will connect with an image. And when one great image resonates with one talented and dedicated person, and that person digs deeper, learns more and takes some action that creates positive change in the world, then What Matters can be considered a useful exercise. I can't predict who that person will be or which of the 250 images in What…

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We Media Game Changers Awards

We Media has posted the finalists for their 2009 Game Changers Awards. These awards are given to "people, projects, ideas and organizations leading change and inspiring a better world through media."  Awards are based on seven categories: Story, Design, Social Impact, Pattern Change, Purpose, Community, Sustainability. MediaStorm is thrilled to be in the running for the finalists- both for MediaStorm.org, and for Bearing Witness, a project we collaborated on with Reuters for the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq.  There are 33 other finalists, and there are some really fantastic projects/sites in there- it's well worth spending some time going through this list. Visitors can go through and rate each of the nominees- there's no official "vote", but a Community Choice award will be given out based on the ratings along with the awards from the official judges.  Check it out.

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October Digital Journalist Online

The October 2008 Issue of The Digital Journalist is now online. Along with the usual columns, there are two features this month: "As we head into the final days of the American presidential election, we present two galleries by probably the best photographers who have been covering this race. Both have spent the better part of the last two years with their candidates, and offer us remarkable access to those behind-the-scenes moments. Stephen Crowley of The New York Times has been covering the John McCain campaign, while Callie Shell has been covering the Obama campaign for Time magazine. They give us remarkable "inside" images of these campaigns."

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