2008 Eddie Adams Workshop Multimedia Presentations

The 2008 Eddie Adams Workshop was held this past weekend.  All of the 100 students who attend shoot still images during the Workshop, and several are given the chance to also record audio for a final multimedia presentation. A team of producers, led by Brian Storm, Tom Kennedy, and Rich Beckman produced 9 multimedia stories this year. This year's multimedia team included:  J. Gwendolynne Berry, Tim McLaughlin, Meredith Birkett, Alexandra Garcia, Wes Pope, Alan Hagman, Bruce Strong, Elissa Eubanks, and Jim Virga (with graphics by Tim Klimowicz and digital tech support from Mark Gong). See the projects on the Eddie Adams Workshop site.  Congratulations to all of the students who attended Barnstorm XXI for a job well done!

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Getty Images Grants Program adds Student Grants for 2009

The Getty Images Grants for Editorial Photography program is one of the best funding opportunities out there right now- they award five $20,000 grants a year to professional photographers, along with support from Getty photo editors and an optional licensing opportunity for the images. This is the fifth year of the program, and it's only gotten better- they're now offering grants for students as well. For 2009, they are giving out four student grants of $5,000 each, available to students under 30 who are currently enrolled in photojournalism classes at an accredited college or university. Applicants for either grant must submit an application form, a project proposal, and a portfolio of images. Application deadline is November 15, 2008, for grants to be awarded in February. Check out their website for more information, and to check out the work of the past winners.

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James Nachtwey TED Project now online

Following up on the previous post- James Nachtwey's TED Project is now available for viewing. If you can find 4 minutes in your day, this is a powerful presentation worth watching. Chris Anderson, TED Curator, writes: "This is a race between the ability of a deadly, mutated bacteria to spread, and our ability to spread awareness first. Health authorities know what needs to be done, but politicians and the public at large don't have XDR-TB on their radar. That's what James Nachtwey's powerful TED Prize wish is all about." More information from the site: "XDRTB.org is an extraordinary effort to tell the story of extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) and TB through powerful photographs taken by James Nachtwey. XDR-TB, or extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis, is a new and deadly mutation of tuberculosis. Similar in creation to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) but more extreme in its manifestation, it arises when common tuberculosis goes untreated or standard…

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Check out kobréguide.com

"As major media companies are migrating their resources from print and broadcast to their online ventures, multimedia journalism stories are coming into their prime on the Web... Little by little, truly excellent work is starting to blossom and flourish -- the problem is, who has time to hunt for it?" If you're looking for some inspirational multimedia stories, head over to kobréguide.com. Ken Kobré (with help from some notable friends) has launched a new site compiling links to the best of multimedia from the web. Organized by channel, topic, award winners, and themes such as "Make You Wonder", this site makes it easy to find great stories from a variety of sources. You might want to wait to check it out until you have more than a few minutes of downtime- there are a lot of great stories to get lost in here (and they welcome suggestions for new stories).

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August Digital Journalist online

Ed Kashi's latest project, Curse of the Black Gold, is featured in this month's Digital Journalist.  The feature includes an introduction by Dirck Halstead, a gallery of images, and a video interview with Kashi. If you haven't seen this project yet, here's your chance. Another feature this month is on Walter Iooss' new release, Athlete. With introductions by Michael Jordan and Sports Illustrated Editor Terry McDonell, and extended commentary by Iooss interspersed throughout the gallery, this is a feature well worth checking out.

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