MediaStorm Releases A Shadow Remains and Rite of Passage

We are pleased to release two new MediaStorm projects A Shadow Remains by Phillip Toledano and Rite of Passage by Maggie Steber. Phillip and Maggie are both celebrated photographers who turned their cameras on themselves and the ones closest to them at a time of deep introspection—the end of their parents’ lives. While both originally started photographing these events for their personal albums, their experiences magnified in importance over the years spent with their aging parents. As time passed, caring for their parents brought them through a process of self discovery that taught them as much about themselves as the loved ones for which they were caring. In the end, both Phillip and Maggie were left with bodies of work that relate not only their personal journeys, but speak to universal themes of love, life and family. MediaStorm is proud to have partnered with both Phillip and Maggie to tell their individual…

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Attend the Upcoming MediaStorm Methodology Workshop

Whether you are a creative leader, an educator, an entrepreneur looking to start your own media company, or a professional interested in learning how to build a foundation for timeless, impactful multimedia, the MediaStorm Methodology Workshop is the right opportunity for you. Apply now for our June 18- June 22 Methodology Workshop. The Classroom The methodology workshop gave me time to stop and step into a different way of seeing journalism. I came away inspired by what's possible if we commit to a different way of thinking about stories. -John Temple, Managing Editor, The Washington Post The MediaStorm Methodology Workshop is a five-day intensive workshop held at MediaStorm’s studio in Brooklyn, NY. The workshop is led by MediaStorm founder, Brian Storm, with individual sessions taught by full-time staff members. Our workshop size is always small (under 15 attendees) to ensure that sessions are lively and personal. What You Will Learn You will…

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Registration Ending Soon for KDMC Multimedia Storytelling Institute

Join the Knight Digital Media Center at UC Berkeley (KDMC) for their Multimedia Storytelling Institute. This two-week program, led by UC Berkeley staff with presentations from award-winning faculty and industry leaders will give you the skills to distinguish you as an expert in digital media. When: June 18-29, 2012 Where: Knight Digital Media Center at University of California Berkeley Why: You'll Learn Lots - Technique, Tools, Knowledge, Mastery and you get a free iPad to keep! Registation Ends Soon - Act Now To Learn More Contact Vicki Hammarstedt +1.510.642.3892

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Philippine Revolution Revisited

Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Kim Komenich recently launched Revolution Revisited, an online presentation dedicated to the 1986 Philippine revolution and its relevance today. Revolution Revisited presents 13 multimedia stories of Filipinos—from field workers to government officials—that Komenich photographed in 1986 and 2011. It also serves as an entry point for Filipinos that were photographed by Komenich in the 1980s to connect with him in his effort to learn more about the people and revolution he photographed more than 25 years ago. Komenich took more than 28,000 photos between 1984 and 1986 during four extended assignments to the Philippines for the San Francisco Examiner. During this time he photographed the four-day People's Power Revolution that ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos and brought Corazon Aquino to power. Komenich was awarded the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography for this work. In 2011, he started to track down the subjects of his photographs from this…

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