Worth Watching #149: The Last Job on Earth by Moth Collective & The Guardian
How will we spend our time in the future? – Brian Storm See what else we think is Worth Watching.
How will we spend our time in the future? – Brian Storm See what else we think is Worth Watching.
MediaStorm curated an evening of compelling and innovative short films based on the Worth Watching series for the last evening of the 2016 LOOK3 Festival in Charlottesville, VA. When curating our selections, we have tried to offer the audience both a geographical voyage and an emotional journey. The work we’re sharing will take you from China to San Francisco, from Mexico to Memphis, and from Chad to San Diego. You will laugh, raise your fist in solidarity and want to get your hiking gear ready for your next adventure. For those of you that couldn’t join us at the live event, MediaStorm is excited to share with you a playlist including all of the films that were shown at the screening, as well as a few additional films that didn’t make it into the presentation due to time constraints. LOOK3 is a photography festival, founded by former National Geographic photographer Michael “Nick”…
"This is what happens when you give creative people the ability to be creative without limitations." -Brian Storm See what else we think is Worth Watching.
"Powerful." -Brian Storm See what else we think is Worth Watching.
"Drowning World is a short film about Gideon Mendel’s powerful portraits of flood victims around the world. Produced by Run Riot and Harbers Studios." - Brian Storm See what else we think is Worth Watching.