Worth Watching

As always, we've been busy trying to keep up to date with all of the fantastic multimedia being produced out there. Here are a few more projects we've been watching that we wanted to share with you. You can see the previously highlighted projects here. 9. The Third & The Seventh by Alex Roman Simply stunning visuals. Play it full screen. - Eric Maierson The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.   10. Black Passport Stanley Greene's transition from a fashion to conflict photographer. - Brian Storm   11. Roping the Wind by Nacho Corbella We loved working with Nacho at the MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Workshop. It's great to see his latest project, a very elegant production. - Brian Storm   12. William and the Windmill A young man in Malawi with an inspired idea. From the dynamic duo in Toronto. - Brian Storm William and the Windmill from…

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Worth Watching

All of us here at MediaStorm spend a lot of time looking for and talking about new stories, websites, and products that inspire us and help us to make better multimedia. We thought it would be fun to share some of our picks with you, with a little bit about why we liked the pieces, and get some ideas from everyone out there as well. We're starting off today with some projects we've been watching over the last couple of weeks. They aren't all new, it's by no means a comprehensive list, but hopefully it will get a dialogue going. Happy New Year all! 1. Still Hoping by Luceo Images The visual sophistication of Luceo Images meets the multimedia prowess of Syracuse University. - Brian Storm Still Hoping from Luceo Images on Vimeo. 2. The Insights of Angels by Liz O. Baylen A beautiful story with words of wisdom from two young…

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