MediaStorm Guide to Dictation with Apple Mountain Lion
Today's post was written by MediaStorm producer Eric Maierson. See his other recent tutorials here. I am a slow typer. I dread transcriptions, something we do at MediaStorm for every interview. Recently I discovered an alternative that's built right into Apple's Mountain Lion operating system: dictation. It’s quick, easy and most importantly, pretty darn accurate. To turn on dictation select the > System Preferences... then choose Dictation & Speech. In the Dictation tab click the On radio button. Choose a shortcut key to trigger dictation. I use the suggested fn key on my MacBook Air. Finally, select your language. Transcribing To begin dictation open TextEdit or another text editor. Our application of choice is Barta Technologies’ $29.99 Transcrivia. (Built-in dictation does not work with Google Docs.) Then double click your trigger key. A microphone icon will appear. Dictate a sentence or two, then press your trigger key once again. The microphone…