MediaStorm at Unofficial Google+ Film Festival

MediaStorm is excited to be part of the 2012 Unofficial Google+ Film Festival this weekend. The festival will be held online all weekend on the UGPFF Google+ page. Brian Storm will be participating in the panel on Creative Music and Licensing with Cary LoGrande from Audiosocket at 3:30pm PST (6:30pm EST) tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 1. Tune into the panel online here. Also, find MediaStorm in the festival's online marketplace. The Unofficial Google+ Film Festival The Unofficial Google+ Film Festival is an online, interactive, live, international short film festival that brings the film festival experience into your home or any other location. The festival runs from Friday Nov. 30, 2012 at 11:00 am pst (GMT -8) through Sunday December 2, 2012 at 3:00 pm pst (GMT -8). Anyone with an internet connection can attend and participate. There are also live public showings in Asheville, NC and Los Angeles, CA. Filmmakers from around the…

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Call for Participants: POV Hackathon 2

The PBS documentary series POV has announced its Call for Participants for POV Hackathon 2. Ten teams of filmmakers and technologists will converge for a January weekend in New York City to create prototypes that seek to reinvent the documentary for the web. The application deadline for filmmakers, developers and designers is December 7, 2012. There is no fee to apply or participate. More information is on POV's hackathon site at

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LA Times Summer Internship Open for Applications

The Los Angeles Times is accepting applications for their summer 2013 visual journalism internship. Applications are due December 10, 2012 and accepted by mail only. Details below. Summer Visual Journalism Internship The Los Angeles Times offers a 10-week paid summer internship in photojournalism. Interns will work side by side with photography / multi-media staff and editors. This is an advanced internship in which you will be working on multi-media stories and daily photojournalism for all sections of the newspaper including news, features and sports. Qualifications Applicants must be actively working toward an undergraduate or graduate degree. Graduates may be eligible if you’ve finished school within six months of the start of the internship. Internships are for students who have not worked professionally as staff photographers.Applicants must have a valid driver’s license and access to a car in good working condition. Candidates should have 1-2 previous internships. How To Apply Applications are accepted…

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TIME Hiring Picture Editor is currently hiring for a picture editor. The position is based in New York. Details below. Picture Editor is looking for an experienced and innovative online picture editor with a proven hard news background to curate visuals for the homepage, site features, LightBox essays and photo galleries. Innovation and confidence is a must; TIME values team members who bring bold new ideas to an agile, forward-thinking, cutting-edge team – a team that is already refining the way it tells stories and fortifying a foundation for groundbreaking projects. The new picture editor must possess a mature understanding of how to visually articulate the top stories of the day. They must also be able to work efficiently in a team environment, often under stringent deadlines. Whether the ideal candidate comes from a print or digital background, he or she must understand – and embrace – the intersection of platforms and devices.…

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Center for Investigative Reporting Hiring Producer

The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) is hiring a producer. The position is located in Berkeley, CA. Applications are due by November 30, 2012. Details below. About CIR The Center for Investigative Reporting is the nation’s oldest nonprofit investigative reporting organization. We arm the public with thoroughly reported stories that offer deep explanations of complex issues - and cover those stories locally, nationally and internationally. Our highly-skilled reporters know how to cultivate sources and find hidden information; engineers and analysts create sophisticated news apps, interactive maps and tools to help the public understand issues from the macro to the micro level; and our radio, video and multimedia producers create engaging documentaries, videos and animated features to demystify complex topics. CIR delivers this information across hundreds of outlets and engages readers, listeners, viewers, and those most impacted by our reporting. Long Form Producer The Center for Investigative Reporting is seeking a Producer who…

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