Dart Society Benefit and Auction May 17
The Dart Society will be holding a benefit and auction at the gallery 25CPW in New York City on Thursday, May 17, beginning at 6 p.m. The benefit will honor Joel Simon of the Committee to Protect Journalists, photojournalist Lynsey Addario, and writer and documentarian Sebastian Junger for their commitment to excellence and compassion in the coverage of conflict, trauma and social injustice. Tickets to the event, which will feature live and silent auctions of photography and books by Dart Society members and their colleagues, are $75 for one ticket and $100 for two. Auction items may be viewed here. Proceeds from ticket sales and auction items will be used to support the Dart Society’s outreach programs to journalists covering trauma and to support Dart Society Reports, which showcases the best work in trauma journalism. Please click on the invitation above (or here) to purchase tickets or to make a donation; if…