Dart Society Benefit and Auction May 17

The Dart Society will be holding a benefit and auction at the gallery 25CPW in New York City on Thursday, May 17, beginning at 6 p.m. The benefit will honor Joel Simon of the Committee to Protect Journalists, photojournalist Lynsey Addario, and writer and documentarian Sebastian Junger for their commitment to excellence and compassion in the coverage of conflict, trauma and social injustice. Tickets to the event, which will feature live and silent auctions of photography and books by Dart Society members and their colleagues, are $75 for one ticket and $100 for two. Auction items may be viewed here. Proceeds from ticket sales and auction items will be used to support the Dart Society’s outreach programs to journalists covering trauma and to support Dart Society Reports, which showcases the best work in trauma journalism. Please click on the invitation above (or here) to purchase tickets or to make a donation; if…

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MediaStorm Nominated for 2012 Webby Awards

We are thrilled to announce two MediaStorm projects have been honored by the 2012 Webby Awards. A Thousand More is a nominee for this year's Webby Awards in the Documentary: Individual Episode category. A Thousand More is also in the running for the Webby People's Voice Awards. The People's Voice Awards polls are open from April 10th to April 26th and anyone can vote. A Thousand More is the story of one family’s determination to give their son a whole and vital life. In the midst of a great burden, one small child – with a seemingly endless supply of love – can be the blessing that holds a family together. Other nominees for this category are Guardian News & Media, the National Film Board of Canada, and VICE. Surviving the Peace is an Official Honoree of the 16th Annual Webby Awards in the Public Service and Activism category. Laos is the most heavily bombed country per capita in…

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MediaStorm Guide to Archiving a Final Cut 7 Project

Note: This workflow follows the guidelines for setting up Final Cut Pro 7 found in Tips from the MediaStorm Final Cut Pro Workflow (see: Preliminary Setup, page 2 and Additional System Settings, page 11) After your project is complete and your output has been encoded, the next step is to archive your project. MediaStorm uses Mac Pro computers with four internal drives: one for the system software, one for project media, and one backup of each. When a project is complete, we remove the media drives and prepare them for archiving. Copying Your Files Copy your entire project folder to an external drive. (If you are already using an external drive that you intend to archive you can skip this step.) Make sure to include all of your media. The reason MediaStorm copies all files is, in part, because Final Cut Pro’s Media Manager is simply undependable. The other reason is safety. You…

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MediaStorm welcomes Lisa Jamhoury

MediaStorm is excited to welcome Lisa Jamhoury, as our new Operations and Social Media Manager. Lisa Jamhoury is a communications professional with a passion for confronting social justice issues. Lisa previously worked as communications manager at the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), where she implemented strategies to increase media attention, expand online presence and multimedia use, and streamline print production. Before joining ICTJ, Lisa worked with Save the Children USA in Mozambique, and as an intern in the Media Services Branch of the United Nations Population Fund and with the Women’s Refugee Commission. Lisa holds a BA from Pace University, where she studied political science and Spanish. She was awarded the Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship in 2005.

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The Open Society Announces the 2012 Grant for Photographers from Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan.

The Open Society Documentary Photography Project and Arts and Culture Program announce a grant and training opportunity for documentary photographers from Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan. Approximately 10 cash stipends in the amount of $3,500 USD each will be awarded to photographers to produce a photo essay on a current human rights or social issue in the region. Along with the stipend, grantees will participate in two master-level workshops on visual storytelling through photography and multimedia.   These workshops are led by internationally-recognized photographers and industry professionals who will then provide ongoing mentorship and support throughout the six-month grant term. The six-month grant program will provide up to 10 regionally based photographers with: A cash stipend Audio equipment and software Two advanced training workshops Travel and hotel expenses and provide a per diem to cover meals and incidentals for the workshops Ongoing coaching and mentoring throughout the grant period Deadlines to keep your…

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