MediaStorm’s Ten Tips for Working With Music in Multimedia

Music is an all too frequently overlooked facet of multimedia production. In this ongoing series of tutorials to improve your multimedia, I'll explain 10 techniques that the MediaStorm team utilizes when working with music. First, though, a few definitions commonly used to describe musical attributes. Tempo: the speed of a musical composition, how fast or slow it's played. Timbre: the voice or sound of an instrument. A stringed instrument has a different timbre than a piano or a saxophone. Pitch: the frequency of a sound. Bass notes have a low pitch; the upper octaves of a piano produce a higher pitch. Rhythm: the variation in length between sounds and accents. Rhythm is often tapped onto a surface. 1. Decide whether to use music. If the music you've chosen is not exceptional, don't use it. Viewers need only a single small reason to stop watching your work; poor music is a big one.…

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MediaStorm looking for Multimedia Producer to join our team

Passionate about multimedia storytelling? Looking for a position where you will be challenged and inspired? MediaStorm is hiring for a Multimedia Producer to create multimedia pieces for our publication, workshops and clients. MediaStorm Multimedia Producers are also responsible for teaching at our workshops and at other events. This position is based in Brooklyn, NY. All applications must be submitted online. For more information, please see the full job description. If you have any questions, please email us. Application deadline is December 15, 2009.

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MediaStorm collaborates with Asia Society to produce On Thinner Ice

Global warming is melting 18,000 Himalayan glaciers, the largest concentration of glaciers outside the polar ice sheets. Their melting spells trouble for not only 2 billion Asians but the whole world. MediaStorm and Asia Society have collaborated to produce On Thinner Ice: Melting Glaciers on the Roof of the World, examining the loss of these glaciers and what it means for all of us. The project includes a narrative introduction,  "then and now" images, and a wealth of additional resources for anyone interested in learning more.

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Truth With a Camera now accepting applications for January Workshop in Quito, Ecuador

Imagine children as young as 6-years-old running in and out of traffic in the street, trying to sell a piece of gum, wash a windshield, or juggle oranges for change. They lack education, suffer from malnutrition, and are surrounded by a world of danger and loneliness. Now imagine it is your job to tell the whole world who these children are. To breath light into an existence too few know about. That’s the critical role photographers working with non-profits and NGO’s play. It is exactly what you’ll be tasked with if you join the next Truth With A Camera workshop in Quito, Ecuador, January 9-17th. As with all TWAC workshops, students will be joined by their colleagues in-country to document stories surrounding issues of need that NGOs battle every day. Led by world class instructors who specialize in caused based photojournalism, the students will spend an intense week making a difference in…

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Twenty Ten project accepting applications from professional African journalists

Are you a professional African photo/multimedia journalist and you value free international training and a great opportunity in the run-up to, and during, the FIFA World Cup in South Africa in 2010? World Press Photo Foundation, Free Voice, Africa Media Online and lokaalmondiaal welcome African photo/multimedia journalists to participate in a great multimedia training opportunity. What is Twenty Ten? The Twenty Ten project is inspired by the 2010 FIFA World Cup -which is being organized on the African continent for the first time- and the media opportunities this has to offer. Football is an integral aspect of life all over Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. This project aims to give African journalists a voice, both on the African continent, as worldwide. It offers African journalists the opportunity to present their own view of African reality, as opposed to depending on foreign news organizations. Twenty Ten is a…

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