MediaStorm’s Ten Ways To Improve Your Multimedia Production Right Now

Often, as multimedia producers, we are given work to edit that others have created. Some things simply cannot be changed, like an out-of-focus photograph. But there are some things we can do right now to improve the work no matter how challenging the original assets may be. (Note: This list is not meant to be dogmatic. I've broken all these rules. They're offered as a suggested starting point.) 1. Don't use dissolves between images. As a general principal, these are unnecessary. 2. Avoid excessive pans and other Ken Burns-style effects. Animation on stills is effective only when done sparingly. These techniques should be a surprise like an exclamation point in literature. And as Elmore Leonard teaches, "You are allowed no more than two or three per 100,000 words of prose." So let's just say two still animation effects for every 10 minutes of your project. See Finding the Way Home for an…

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MediaStorm projects nominated for two Webby Awards

Hailed as the "Internet's highest honor" by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet. The 13th Annual Webby Awards received over 10,000 entries from over 60 countries and all 50 states. Unlike other awards shows, The Webby Awards give the public an opportunity to decide who will take home a Webby. From now until April 30th, the public can cast its votes in The Webby People's Voice Awards at Check out the other nominees and get your votes in (and of course, we'd love it if you voted for us!) ONLINE FILM AND VIDEO ENTRIES: Category: DOCUMENTARY: INDIVIDUAL EPISODE Intended Consequences MediaStorm Category: NEWS & POLITICS: INDIVIDUAL EPISODE Bearing Witness Reuters/Produced by MediaStorm Additionaly, another MediaStorm piece was named an Official Honoree Category: BEST EDITING Common Ground MediaStorm

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Register now- Kalish Workshop deadline is May 15

From Scott Sines, Director of the Kalish Workshop: Time is running short to register for this year’s Kalish Workshop in visual editing. The deadline is May 15 and we have only eight spots left. We are in our twentieth year and have a great reputation industry wide. This year only, for $500 you get five full days (June 12-14) of intense instruction in cross-platform visual storytelling from a faculty that includes Emmy winners Geri Migliecz and Brian Storm, as well as, visual editors who have worked on Pulitzer Prize winning projects, including Sue Morrow and Randy Cox. Other regulars on The Kalish faculty include Kenny Irby, John Rumbach, Mark Edelson and others. The core faculty has worked together on this program for many years and will be present during the week providing ample time to answer your questions. This year’s workshop is sharply focused on multimedia storytelling and managing resources/visuals across platforms.…

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Jonathan Torgovnik & MediaStorm – Intended Consequences Public Service Announcement

On April 7, 1994, the Rwandan genocide began, resulting in the deaths of between 800,000 and 1,000,000 men, women and children. During the 100 days of violence, Rwandan women were subjected to massive sexual violence, perpetrated by members of the infamous Hutu militia groups known as the Interahamwe. Among the survivors, those who are most isolated are the women who have borne children as a result of being raped. Their families have rejected both them and their children, compounding their already unimaginable emotional distress. An estimated 20,000 children were conceived during the genocide in Rwanda, and many of their mothers contracted HIV during the same encounters that left them pregnant. They feel they have lost their dignity, are alone and utterly powerless. Intended Consequences chronicles the lives of these women. Their narratives are embodied in portrait photographs, interviews and oral reflections. The public service announcement was created to help raise awareness for…

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April Digital Journalist – Special Video Journalism Issue

This month's Digital Journalist mixes things up a bit- Ken Kobré (of, took over the reins, and focused on the ever-changing world of video journalism. They lead with a feature by Colin Mulvany, of The Spokesman-Review, From Stills to Video in the Newsroom. Mulvany writes: "Now is not a time to be timid. Multimedia producers need to stand up and protect video storytelling at their newspapers. In order to stay competitive, publishers will have to refocus their efforts back on their online operations. Newspaper Web sites will not flourish if the content is just repurposed from their print products. Multimedia, in the form of Web-only video, audio slideshows, and photo galleries, is most successful when it is integrated with text. This powerful combination gives newspaper online viewers far more depth and context than they can get from any other media." This issue also includes several great columns, including 10 Tips for…

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