Register now for NPPA’s Convergence 09, Multimedia Immersion Workshop
Registration for NPPA's Convergence '09 event is now open. This year's lineup features 3 separate events- the Multimedia Immersion Workshop, June 6-10, a one-day seminar celebrating the 20th year of NPPA's Women in Photojournalism, on June 10, and the Visual Journalism Workshops, June 11-13. The Convergence conference will be held in Las Vegas, NV. For those interested in multimedia training, the Multimedia Immersion Seminar is definitely worth checking out- our own Eric Maierson will be there as one of the coaches, along with some of the best in the industry. It will be "an intense, five-day, hands-on training experience for visual journalists looking to expand and grow their multimedia skillsets." You even get a discount on the Visual Journalism Workshops for attending either of the other two. Don't miss out!