Apply now for the Barefoot Workshop

There are still some spots open in Barefoot Workshops' 2 Week Documentary Workshop in The Mississippi Delta, which starts on February 15, 2009. This 2-week DV workshop is designed for photojournalists who are looking to make the move to videojournalism and the web, new documentary filmmakers who want to launch their careers in web and television documentaries and for those with experience in some aspects of filmmaking that are looking to expand their skill, understanding and mastery of the whole process. Producers, cinematographers, editors and writers with narrative experience who are considering working in non-fiction filmmaking are also encouraged to enroll. Students will learn all aspects of the process including the importance of the still image, DV camera, compact lighting methods, field sound, field editing and how to weave the story. To view an extended version of the course description, visit our website at This is one of many workshops that…

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Jacky Myint joins MediaStorm

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I'm excited to welcome Jacky Myint as MediaStorm's newest Interactive Designer. Jacky Myint is a web and interactive designer who has worked for Condé Nast and The Associated Press, producing interactive infographics. Her interactives at were part of a portfolio that won silver from MALOFIEJ, an international competition for print and online information graphics sponsored by the Society for News Design. Jacky's first job was for Without Borders where she spent two and a half years designing for both print and web and organizing Idealist's first nonprofit design competition. Jacky graduated from Duke University with a B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Visual Arts and received her M.F.A. in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in New York City.

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MediaStorm Workshops present Beautiful Noise

The third MediaStorm Advanced Multimedia Workshop was held December 6-12, 2008. The project, Beautiful Noise by Morag Livingstone, Mareile Paley, and Kimberley Porteous is now online. Kirk and Evelyna are raising their children in a small New York City apartment far from her home in Germany. They try to stay optimistic while coping with the current economic crisis. See the project. Dates for the 2009 MediaStorm Workshops: Workshop Four: March 7-13, 2009 - Application Deadline: Friday January 23, 2009 Workshop Five: May 2-8, 2009 - Application Deadline: Monday March 30, 2009 Workshop Six: August 8-14, 2009 - Application Deadline: Wednesday July 1, 2009 See the site for more information.

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The power of 10,000

From October 26-30, 2008, 10,000 Starbucks Partners traveled to New Orleans to participate in five days of community volunteer work and leadership training. Starbucks commissioned MediaStorm to document the event. The power of 10,000 shows the impact these partners had on the city of New Orleans.

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The Kalish Workshop now accepting applications

For anyone looking to advance their career in 2009: Okay here's the deal. And you don't have to read Brian's loooooooong commencement speech to get it. God have mercy. This year only, for $500 you get five days of intense instruction in visual storytelling from a faculty that includes Emmy winners Geri Migliecz and Brian Storm, as well as, visual editors who have worked on Pulitzer Prize winning projects, including Sue Morrow and Randy Cox. Other regulars on The Kalish faculty include Kenny Irby, John Rumbach, Mark Edelson and others. This year's workshop is sharply focused on multimedia storytelling and managing resources/visuals across platforms. The traditional Kalish values of ethical decision making in journalism and management remain. The workshop begins with a hands-on session in FinalCutPro, progresses through picture selection, multiple picture editing and news judgment, to multimedia and management. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself. It's a real deal. Email…

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