James Nachtwey’s TED Prize Wish- To Be Announced Friday Oct. 3

This Friday, James Nachtwey reveals his TED Prize wish. They will be projecting images on LED screens at locations on all 7 continents, along with the website- watch if you can, this promises to be an important story. Watch James speak about his wish: Each winner of the TED Prize receives $100,000, and assistance making their wish come true. Other winners of the 2007 Prize were Bill Clinton and EO Wilson. You can find out more about their wishes, and many other past recipients as well, at the TED site- there are some really great talks (also available as podcasts) on there, worth checking out.

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Check out kobréguide.com

"As major media companies are migrating their resources from print and broadcast to their online ventures, multimedia journalism stories are coming into their prime on the Web... Little by little, truly excellent work is starting to blossom and flourish -- the problem is, who has time to hunt for it?" If you're looking for some inspirational multimedia stories, head over to kobréguide.com. Ken Kobré (with help from some notable friends) has launched a new site compiling links to the best of multimedia from the web. Organized by channel, topic, award winners, and themes such as "Make You Wonder", this site makes it easy to find great stories from a variety of sources. You might want to wait to check it out until you have more than a few minutes of downtime- there are a lot of great stories to get lost in here (and they welcome suggestions for new stories).

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CFR.org and MediaStorm win Emmy for Crisis Guide: Darfur

Crisis Guide: Darfur, produced for Council on Foreign Relations, is the recipient of the 2008 Emmy Award in the New Approaches To News & Documentary Programming: Current News Coverage Category. Other nominees in the category included: current.com: Mogadishu Madness msnbc.com: The Fight for Iraq Washingtonpost.com: A Nation Divided Washingtonpost.com: After the Destruction Washingtonpost.com: Living with PTSD Congratulations also to the San Jose Mercury News, who won in the Documentaries category for "Uprooted", and to the Detroit Free Press, who won in the Arts, Lifestyle and Culture Category for "40 Years of Respect" and the Regional News Coverage Category for "Pit bulls: Companions or killers?" Pictured from left to right are: Brian Storm, Jeremy Sherlick, Pamela Chen, Mike Moran, Stephanie Hanson and Tim Klimowicz.  Image by bryan-brown.com.

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ONA Announces Online Journalism Awards Winners

The Online News Association announced the winners of their annual Online Journalism Awards during their annual conference on September 13. Reuters.com/MediaStorm won the Multimedia Feature, Large Site: category for Bearing Witness, a collaborative site launched on the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war, featuring profiles of three Reuter’s journalists who have more than 23 years combined experience reporting and photographing in Iraq.   With nearly 800 entrants per category, these awards recognize the best in online journalism. Other categories and winners included: Knight Award for Public Service: WashingtonPost.com, Fixing D.C. Schools General Excellence, Small Site: ArmyTimes.com General Excellence, Medium Sites: LasVegasSun.com General Excellence, Large Site: CNN.com General Excellence (Non-English), Small Site: Soitu.es General Excellence (Non-English), Large Site: ELPAIS.com Breaking News, Medium Sites: STLtoday.com, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Kirkwood shootings Breaking News, Large Sites: NYTimes.com, Eliot Spitzer's resignation Investigative Journalism, Small Site: RecordOnline.com, The Times Herald Record (Middletown, N.Y.) "I Didn't Do That Murder":…

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MediaStorm and Rocky Mountain News collaborate at DNC

At last! At last! A dream fulfilled. Barack Obama’s historic rise to the mountaintop at Denver’s Democratic National Convention. Forty-five years after Martin Luther King called on America to live out the true meaning of its creed – that all men are created equal ‑ a senator from Illinois becomes the first African-American nominee of a major political party. MediaStorm and the Rocky Mountain News collaborated during the Democratic National Convention to create At last, at last, a dream fulfilled, a multimedia presentation documenting the convention. The piece is a comprehensive overview, looking at all aspects leading up to, and including, the convention, and includes interviews with Colorado locals, Rocky Mountain News reporters, and other key figures. If you still want more after watching this piece, you can also check out the rest of Rocky Mountain News' convention coverage on their site.

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