The Whale Hunt

Last May, photographer Jonathan Harris spent 9 days living with a family of Inupiat Eskimos in Barrow, Alaska, joining them as they prepared and then went on a traditional whale hunt. During that time, he took 3,214 photographs at five-minute intervals (even while sleeping, using a chronometer), mimicking a "photographic heartbeat", with the pace increasing during intense moments. The site that he put together, The Whale Hunt, initially displays all of the images in a large mosaic, but once you've entered the site, viewing possibilities seem endless. Images can be filtered by cadence, color, context, concepts, and cast, viewed by day, hour or minute, or just simply watched as a slideshow the entire way through.

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Bob Sacha joins MediaStorm

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I'm excited to welcome Bob Sacha as MediaStorm's newest Multimedia Producer. Bob is an award-winning photojournalist who has spent more than 25 years producing in-depth photo essays, portraits and covers for National Geographic, Life, Time and Fortune, among dozens of other national and international publications. Bob was the John H. and James L. Knight Foundation Fellow at Ohio University in 2006-2007, teaching photography and as a master's candidate in new media and film. This year he leads a graduate seminar in documentary and photojournalism at New York's International Center of Photography.

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Foundry Photo Workshop- Registration Open

The Foundry Photo Workshop for Emerging Photojournalists is being held June 16 - 21, 2008 in Mexico City. Its six intensive days of classes, fieldwork, panel discussions, slideshows, portfolio reviews, multimedia creation, parties, networking and more. This workshop is geared specifically for students and others who normally couldn't afford such instruction from such accomplished photographers; it is completely non profit, and all instructors are volunteering their time and talents to teach the workshop. Our list of instructors is world class and is not finalized-we are adding more monthly. Instructors & participants include: Lynsey Addario Kael Alford Jon Anderson Samantha Appleton - NOOR Andrea Bruce - Washington Post Mike Robinson Chavez - LA Times Stanley Greene - NOOR Ron Haviv- VII Hugo Infante Kadir van Lohuizen - NOOR Scott McKiernan - ZUMA Press Tomas Munita Tewfic el Sawy Brian Storm - MediaStorm Ami Vitale Holly Wilmeth Adriana Zehbrauskas - NY Times Generous sponsors…

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Job Opening: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: The visual department is seeking a multi-media picture editor. The editor in this full-time, bargaining unit position will coordinate online visual coverage with editors, writers, and photographers. We are seeking a strong visual thinker who finds fresh ways to create engaging and informative video and photojournalism. The successful candidate will have broad knowledge and curiosity about news of all kinds and show a keen eye for spotting interesting and newsworthy visual content. This editor is able to execute a strategic vision for visuals on the web and can supervise, coach, and motivate staff. Proven news judgment, high ethical standards and interpersonal skills are necessary. Knowledge of broadcast production, audio editing, video editing, print picture editing, and Macromedia Flash are required. All applications should be in hard-copy form and include a digital portfolio on DVD or links to current work. Send to: Sherman Williams Assistant Managing Editor/Visual Journalism…

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Job Openings at Medill School at Northwestern University

From Rich Gordon, chair of the multimedia search committee at the Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University (for questions, contact him at The Medill School at Northwestern University is seeking to hire two faculty members in multimedia journalism. It's an exciting time here as we revamp the school's curriculum to prepare students for 21st century journalism careers. As recently as two years ago, a student could complete his or her studies at Medill without ever being required to produce a story in a form other than text. Now all students are expected to develop proficiency in still photography, audio, video and online journalism. All of them must bring audio recorders, video cameras and laptop computers with multimedia production software. Our new curricula call for all students to develop visual literacy, build multimedia storytelling skills and prepare themselves for a world where content and advertising are "pulled" by consumers rather than "pushed"…

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