Abuse Aware, Red Design, MediaStorm collaborate on AbuseAware.com

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Abuse Aware has launched their website as a resource for all those affected by domestic violence. The site features photographer Donna Ferrato's prolific documentary of domestic violence victims and families from her body of work, Living With the Enemy as well as its video production by MediaStorm. From the site: AbuseAware.com is the first domestic violence website to visually prove how devastating all forms of abuse are for everyone. By confronting the public with documentation of real faces and true stories, photographer Donna Ferrato shoots to wake up society through the media, domestic violence organizations, exhibitions, lectures, slideshows, campaigns, and events. We must recognize and take action against this epidemic. This website seeks justice and support through an interactive DV web community where anyone can relate their experiences through video, photographs, and blog entries 24/7. We encourage you to be a part of this cause, not only to help others, but to…

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National Geographic and MediaStorm Produce ‘Gorilla Massacre’

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National Geographic and MediaStorm's latest collaboration is Gorilla Massacre, now featured in the online edition of National Geographic Magazine.This story takes place in the heart of Africa, where humans and animals alike have long suffered a history of violence and instability. It is the home of the endangered mountain gorillas, and where Dian Fossey conducted her intimate research on their world.Photographers Michael Nichols and Brent Stirton discuss the significance of the recent mountain gorilla killings in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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MediaStorm publishes The Marlboro Marine and Never Coming Home

The Marlboro Marine by Luis SincoLos Angeles Times photojournalist Luis Sinco's photograph of Marine Lance Corporal James Blake Miller became an icon of the Iraq War. The Marlboro Marine is the story of how Miller tries to heal the scars of war and how two lives became connected by a photograph. Never Coming Home by Andrew Lichtenstein and Zac BarrAs soldiers and marines perish in Iraq, headlines and funerals mark their passage. Never Coming Home details a deeply personal and public bereavement, and shows a portrait of grief and sacrifice of families with a hole in their lives, nothing but memory where once there was a living son and brother. Originally published on MediaStorm in 2005, Never Coming Home has been expanded to include never-seen-before stories from several other American families who lost loved ones in Iraq. Today also marks the two-year anniversary of MediaStorm's online publication. We are honored to have…

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College Photographer of the Year

The results for the 62nd College Photographer of the Year Competition were recently announced, and winning images and stories are now available on the CPOY site. Travis Dove (Ohio University) was named 2007 College Photographer of the Year. Along with the still image categories, awards were also given for Multimedia Project (winner: Jeff Giraldo, Western Kentucky University) , Individual Still Image/Audio Story or Essay (winner: Crystal Street, UNC Chapel Hill) and Individual Video or Mixed Media Photo Story or Essay (winner: Tim Gruber, Ohio University). Congratulations to all!

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MediaStorm Collaborates with the Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times photojournalist Luis Sinco photographed James Blake Miller during the assault on Fallujua, Iraq in November 2004. The image of Miller, with a distant look and a cigarette dangling from his lips, ran in newspapers and on TV broadcasts around the country and became an emblem of the Iraq War. The image has changed both of their lives and connected photographer and subject in ways neither imagined. MediaStorm collaborated with the Los Angeles Times to produce a three-part multimedia series entitled The Marlboro Marine to the tell the story behind the photograph and this soldier's struggle as he tries to rebuild his life after a tour of duty and a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder.

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