MediaStorm Launches New Partnership with Verse

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MediaStorm is thrilled to launch its new partnership with Verse, an immersive interactive storytelling platform, with Connected to the Top, the first of four stories we are launching with Verse. Connected to the Top is about the incredible strength, courage, and passion that propels today’s top climbers to risk their lives for the glory of reaching the world’s greatest heights. In 2012, a team of professional climbers sought out to summit the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest. The expedition commemorated the 50th anniversary of the first American ascent of the mountain. Connected to the Top tells their story.

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@EverydayIncareation Accepting Submissions

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Since we’ve been making Fight Hate with Love, we’ve had the privilege of meeting amazing people working on projects that aim to get to the stories behind the statistics of mass incarceration. A prime example is @EverydayIncarceration--a collaborative Instagram feed that tells visual stories about the impact of 40 years of mass incarceration in the United States. Check it out. In addition to the intimate nature of the imagery and stories, one of the most stunning elements of the project is its commitment to explore a participatory approach towards storytelling. In that vein, it is seeking submissions from people who have been impacted by incarceration at some point, in some way. Here are the details: @EverydayIncarceration is now accepting submissions of images, videos and stories that talk about the effects of incarceration in America that are not often discussed in mainstream media. Photographers need not be established professionals. Individuals from diverse backgrounds…

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The Photography Master Retreat Now Accepting Applications

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The only Retreat of its kind, The Photography Master Retreat is a unique one-week professional retreat with four renowned mentors in the south of France which takes place every year in July after Les Rencontres d’Arles. It is designed for professional or aspiring professional photographers in any genre – fine art, conceptual, or documentary – who are passionate about their existing work and committed about taking it to the next level. Four internationally acclaimed mentors will guide, advise and inspire 16 participants. Not so much a shooting trip but a rare chance to pause and reflect, it is a career-enhancing opportunity for professional critique and artistic introspection. The Photography Master Retreat 2016 will be held from Saturday July 9 to 16, 2016. Photographers are invited to submit an application and 16 participants will be selected by the mentors. Applications are due December 1, 2015. For more information, please visit

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Magnum’s Photography Expanded Symposium

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Magnum Foundation and Parsons The New School for Design are pleased to announce the third annual Photography, Expanded Symposium. This one-day event will present innovative documentary storytelling and emerging ideas in digital media and journalism on social justice issues. Presentations and panel discussions will feature: Andrew Beck Grace & Alex Wittholz, After the Storm Katy Scoggin, CITIZENFOUR Marek Tuszynski, Exposing the Invisible Elaine Sheldon & Sarah Ginsburg, She Does Podcast The event takes place Sunday, November 1, from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm. The New School University Center 63 Fifth Avenue New York, NY Reserve your ticket here.

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