Eight Things I (Re)Learned Editing Travel Anonymous

Sometimes having no limitations is the hardest obstruction. * To paraphrase the late novelist E.L. Doctorow., “[Making a movie] is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights but you can make the whole trip that way.” * In other words, the only way out is through. * It’s hard to be spontaneous if you’re clinging to the some vague notion that what you’re doing is wrong. If you let yourself fail extravagantly, you might succeed beyond expectation. * "The first draft of anything is shit." - Ernest Hemingway * The unconscious mind loves to work out problems. You may feel doubt and uncertainty but your brain is busy untying knots. * Write down insights and ideas immediately. You’ll forget them otherwise. Seriously, you will. • The simple answer comes last, after you’ve worked your way through all the rest. It’s like sculpting: you…

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Winners of IAFOR Documentary Photography Award Announced

As a proud sponsor of the IAFOR Documentary Photography Award we are pleased to present this year's winners: Hosam Katan (Grand Prize), Yasmin Balai (2nd Place), and Romain Champalaune (3rd Place).  The IAFOR Documentary Photography Award is a new international photography award which seeks to promote and assist in the professional development of emerging documentary photographers and photojournalists. The Award is supported by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) – Asia’s Think Tank – and builds off of the strength of the IAFOR Documentary Film Award, now in its fourth year. The theme for 2015 is "Power." Photography can have the power to manipulate memories, encourage thought and stimulate emotion, it also has the power to do these things across languages and cultures. The skilled photographer must hold power over their camera and manipulate the power dynamic between photographer and subject. Pointing a camera at someone can be seen as an act of power in itself. This year's winners explore "Power" from a variety of…

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MediaStorm Receives Two News & Documentary Emmy Nominations

We are proud to announce that MediaStorm has been recognized with two nominations for the 36th Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards. Hungry Horse, our film collaboration with Pieter ten Hoopen is a nominee in the New Approaches: Arts, Lifestyle, Culture category. Japan's Disposable Workers by Shiho Fukada, produced in collaboration with Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is a nominee in the New Approaches: Current News Coverage category. Congratulations to all of the nominees! View the full list at emmyonline.org/newsemmy. Hungry Horse: Legends of the Everyday,is a film series and photography project created by internationally acclaimed photographer Pieter ten Hoopen in collaboration with MediaStorm. In the films, Pieter touches on the struggles of poverty, drug use, loneliness and loss. But he more accurately captures the spirit of renewal, peace and serenity in the lives of the people he documents through stunning landscapes and intimate oral histories.   Japan’s Disposable Workers examines the country’s employment crisis: from  suicide caused by…

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Travel Anonymous: Lessons Learned, Again

I’m a big proponent of working within a set of limitations.

I’ve purposefully done this numerous times both at MediaStorm and in my own work: from setting out to make a film that’s exactly one-minute long to creating a fictional movie with the attributes of a documentary. Setting yourself up against restrictions can be a powerful means of encouraging creative problem solving.

But with Travel Anonymous, a MediaStorm collaboration with photographer Jeff Hutchens, I could literally do anything. Nothing was out of bounds.

Case in point: at one of my first meetings with Jeff, he told me he liked the idea of using only the tiniest portions of his images. A corner here, an interesting blur there. To work without regard to the “sacredness” of a photographer’s pictures felt both exhilarating, and quite honestly, a bit blasphemous.

There was just one objective: to convey what it feels like to travel so much that you lose all sense of time and place. This was to be an immersive, sensory experience.

Early on, though, I was confounded. (more…)

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