Travel Anonymous: Lessons Learned, Again

I’m a big proponent of working within a set of limitations.

I’ve purposefully done this numerous times both at MediaStorm and in my own work: from setting out to make a film that’s exactly one-minute long to creating a fictional movie with the attributes of a documentary. Setting yourself up against restrictions can be a powerful means of encouraging creative problem solving.

But with Travel Anonymous, a MediaStorm collaboration with photographer Jeff Hutchens, I could literally do anything. Nothing was out of bounds.

Case in point: at one of my first meetings with Jeff, he told me he liked the idea of using only the tiniest portions of his images. A corner here, an interesting blur there. To work without regard to the “sacredness” of a photographer’s pictures felt both exhilarating, and quite honestly, a bit blasphemous.

There was just one objective: to convey what it feels like to travel so much that you lose all sense of time and place. This was to be an immersive, sensory experience.

Early on, though, I was confounded. (more…)

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Now Playing on MediaStorm: Travel Anonymous by Jeff Hutchens

MediaStorm is proud to present our newest Publication project, Travel Anonymous, an exploratory film and photography collaboration with award-winning photojournalist Jeff Hutchens. Everyone who travels by themselves knows the feeling of anonymity that comes when no one really knows exactly where you are or what you are doing in the world. The further you are culturally from home, the greater its intensity can feel. Travel Anonymous explores that intensity and the dreamlike state life takes on when you leave the familiar behind.

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Now Hiring: Motion Graphics Designer at MediaStorm

MediaStorm is looking for an experienced Motion Graphics Designer to collaborate with producers and interactive designers on projects for MediaStorm’s clients, workshops and publication. The ideal candidate will be able to conceptualize and execute stand-alone motion graphics and packages for a wide range of films.

Application deadline is Tuesday, July 28th.

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Now Hiring: Cinematographer at MediaStorm

MediaStorm is looking for a passionate and motivated Cinematographer to create compelling films for our publication, workshops and clients.

The ideal candidate will have experience in research, reporting, shooting and producing visually sophisticated films. Strong narrative storytelling skills as well as technical proficiency with cameras and lighting is required.

Application deadline is Tuesday, July 28th.

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MediaStorm Guide to Upgrading to Premiere Pro CC 2015

This article is part of a series of posts with tips and tricks from our producers' experience working with Adobe Premiere Pro CC after years of working in Final Cut Pro. To read more about why we made the switch, check out this post. Two weeks ago Adobe released Creative Cloud 2015. And while Premiere Pro promises lots of new features, we at MediaStorm are always a bit gun shy about upgrading immediately, particularly when in the middle of a project. But if you can’t wait to dive in, here’s how to do it safely so that the new install does not overwrite your previous version. This way you can always revert back in case you find CC 2015 not to your liking. Click the Creative Cloud menu bar, then select the software that you’d like to install. You’ll be presented with a new update window. The key here is to uncheck…

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