Support “The Last Clinic” on Indiegogo

The Last Clinic is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas documenting the battle over abortion in Mississippi and the potential effects that could impact the nation. The film follows the journey of two women in need of reproductive health services caught in the middle of this battle over access to care. You can contribute to making this project a reality through Indiegogo. Background Mississippi is one of five states with a sole abortion clinic, but a pending lawsuit threatens to shutter the facility. If this clinic closes, women in Mississippi will no longer have access to a legal abortion in the state. This new law could set a precedent for other states to follow. How to Help Donate to fund the final stages of production, editing, sound mixing, and color correction. Visit The Last Clinic Indiegogo page for more information.

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MediaStorm Welcomes Summer Interns David Kofahl and Ligaiya Romero

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MediaStorm is excited to welcome David Kofahl to our team as our summer 2014 development intern. David Kofahl is a designer and programmer, who explores the intersection of technology and storytelling. For the past two years he has collaborated on America Recycled, an interactive documentary that traces unique and radical communities across the Southern United States. He is currently developing the web application for the film. In 2009 he founded Studio Syndicate, a web firm focused on building digital interfaces for non-profit organizations. His work often extends beyond developing websites and includes designing print materials, writing grants, and consulting. He earned a bachelors degree in Political Science at the University of Florida.     We're also excited to welcome Ligaiya Romero as a production intern. G. Ligaiya Romero is a visual journalist, working primarily with web-first documentary storytelling. Originally from New York, she graduated from UCLA with dual degrees in Film Production…

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Join BagNews’ Online Salon on White House Photo Access This Sunday

You’re invited to take part in the next BagNews Salon this Sunday, February 9th. The Salon brings together the eyes and voices of the world’s leading photojournalists, editors, visual academics and other informed observers to analyze select edits of news photographs in a 90 minute online discussion format. Sunday’s topic will be “Understanding Debate Over White House Photo Access.”

The purpose of the discussion is to better understand the current conflict between the media and the White House over photo access. Some of the issues are historical. Others are new, involving the ability (and savvy) of the Obama White House to distribute imagery to the public and the press via social media. Conversation will be based around a key set of photos, with the primary question – what is the goal of access today and how can we best understand the visual strategies when both institutions, the media and the White House, are operating with the dual agenda to sell and inform?

More information is available on

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Support “Island of Widows” by Ed Kashi

Please Support ‘Island of Widows’ from Talking Eyes Media on Vimeo.

Photojournalist, filmmaker and educator Ed Kashi has dedicated his career to documenting the social and political issues that define our times. His next project takes him to Nicaragua, where sugar cane workers are dying in record numbers from kidney failure, and no one seems to know why.

Help make this project possible through IndieVoices.

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