Worth Clicking: Digital News, Street Portraits, Vsevolod Pudovkin & Masked Macaques
All links are hand-picked by the MediaStorm staff for your enjoyment this weekend. Cheers! Slaves of the internet, unite! [New York Times] Do critics understand documentaries? [IndieWire] The internet and digital devices are changing our news consumption habits. Here are 12 trends to put the rapidly shifting digital news landscape into perspective. [Pew Research Center] The five editing techniques of Vsevolod Pudovkin. [Kottke.org] A magazine is simply an iPad that doesn’t work. [YouTube] A whole new dimension to classical sculpture… dress them as hipsters! [Today I Learned Something New] Hannah Price’s series features portraits of men in Philadelphia captured just moments after they harassed her on the street. [The Morning News] Have you ever wondered how you might look if you switched clothes with someone of the opposite gender? Canadian photographer Hana Pesut has set out to deal with that question in “Switcharoo.” [Bored Panda] Still feeling spooky? Headless Portraits From the…