Tim McLaughlin is an editor and producer of documentaries at the award-winning production studio MediaStorm. He has worked on over 25 films since 2010, including MediaStorm’s first feature film, The Long Night, as well as their first prime-time television broadcast, The War Comes Home: Soledad O’Brien Reports for CNN. His work has received recognition from the National Press Photographers Association (Best Documentary Multimedia Story) as well as the Webby Awards (Honorable Mention).
Tim’s clients at MediaStorm include CNN, Starfish Media Group, United Nations Foundation, Save the Children, Starbucks, MAG America, International Center of Photography, Ripple Effect Images and the Alexia Foundation.
Prior to his move to MediaStorm, Tim was the Director of Multimedia at the Maine Media Workshops and Maine Media College in Rockport, ME. He worked as an educator in that role, developing and teaching a curriculum for the school’s first ever documentary focused multimedia program. Tim has also worked as an educator with the Eddie Adams workshop and helped develop and produce MediaStorm’s online training program, as well as their first educational e-book.
Originally from Louisville KY., Tim earned his masters of fine arts at the University of Florida’s School of Art and Art History, as well as a bachelors in history from Centre College. He lives in Brooklyn with his amazing wife Britt, and their ever-sleepy dog Robin Hood.
Tim worked for MediaStorm for 9 years and had this to say about his experience:
It’s hard to sum up with any adequacy the importance of this company, and its people, to my life and to the life of my family. This job was my original reach goal, something I aspired to while trying to navigate my way through a maze of college choices and majors. It was my “wouldn’t that be amazing” sort of dream job.
So when Brian asked me in 2010 to temporarily take on the role of editor and producer, I gladly uprooted my life and jumped at the opportunity. As thrilled as I was to be working at MediaStorm, I have to admit that I was entirely intimidated by the professionalism and standards of the staff, and for many years, even after I was hired as a full-time editor, I felt very much like a fraud. But Brian, Elodie, Eric, Bob, Rick, Jennifer, Jessica, Andrew, Cortney, Tim, Shameel, Samia and literally everyone that passed through MediaStorm’s office doors never treated me as such. They gave me the time, feedback and support to discover who I could be as a creative professional and for that, I will always be thankful.
I’m also thankful to Brian for creating an environment where hard work was expected during work hours, but where time outside of the office was respected. I can’t overstate the importance of that as the father of two young children.
To everyone who has been a part of the MediaStorm story over the last nine years, whether you were a colleague, a client or a collaborator, thank you for your support, creativity, and kindness. You and the history of this company will continue to be an important and treasured part of my life. And to the current and future MediaStorm crew, I wish you the continued excellence that has always been a hallmark of this company.
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As the U.S. prepares for the final drawdown of soldiers from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, Soledad O’Brien and MediaStorm take an intimate look at two veterans as they struggle with the transition from war to home.
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