
It’s 2010.

Tom and Nacole’s daughter is missing. She’s run away from the home they built for her. 

Within 48 hours she’ll be forced into a life of prostitution.   

It’s 2007.

Lisa is 13 years old and on the streets. She needs to find a way to survive. 
She’ll spend the next six years trying to cope with that decision. 

It’s 2005.

Andy is arresting a girl for the second time. Frustrated, he asks her “Why?” 

The answer will change his life. 

Set in Seattle Washington, The Long Night, a feature film by Tim Matsui and MediaStorm, gives voice and meaning to the crisis of minors who are forced and coerced into the American sex trade. The film weaves together the stories of seven people whose lives have been forever changed by this issue.

The Long Night is not themed to advocate a solution. Instead, it submerges the viewer in the experience of what it has been like for Natalie and Lisa to survive in the life; for Tom and Nacole to watch their daughter slip out of their hands; for Andy and his fellow police officers, Brian and Joel, to try to create a more just system.

The Long Night is testimony to the lives of those who have lived this crisis.

Published: Dec 1, 2014

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The family explains their motivation for participating in the film, The Long Night, and discusses what their lives have been like since Natalie's return home. 

Set in Seattle Washington, The Long Night, a feature film by Tim Matsui and MediaStorm, gives voice and meaning to the crisis of minors who are forced and coerced into the American sex trade. The film weaves together the stories of seven people whose lives have been forever changed by this issue.

The Long Night is not themed to advocate a solution. Instead, it submerges the viewer in the experience of what it has been like for Natalie and Lisa to survive in the life; for Tom and Nacole to watch their daughter slip out of their hands; for Andy and his fellow police officers, Brian and Joel, to try to create a more just system.

The Long Night is testimony to the lives of those who have lived this crisis.

Filmmaker Tim Matsui discusses the film, its origins, and how he gained access to such intimate situations. 

Set in Seattle Washington, The Long Night, a feature film by Tim Matsui and MediaStorm, gives voice and meaning to the crisis of minors who are forced and coerced into the American sex trade. The film weaves together the stories of seven people whose lives have been forever changed by this issue.

The Long Night is not themed to advocate a solution. Instead, it submerges the viewer in the experience of what it has been like for Natalie and Lisa to survive in the life; for Tom and Nacole to watch their daughter slip out of their hands; for Andy and his fellow police officers, Brian and Joel, to try to create a more just system.

The Long Night is testimony to the lives of those who have lived this crisis.


Made possible by
Tim Matsui
Director, Cinematography & Field Producer
Produced by
Executive Producer
Editor and Producer
Additional Cinematography
Motion Graphics
Partnership Development

Special Thanks

Leslie Briner, Deborah Edison, Noel Gomez and the King County Sheriff's Department.

This Film is Dedicated to Dr. Naomi Sugar.


World Press Photo Multimedia
Year: 2015
Place: 1st
Category: Long Feature

Webby Awards
Year: 2015
Place: Nominated
Category: Online Film & Video: Drama: Individual Short or Episode

NPPA Best Of Photojournalism Multimedia
Year: 2015
Place: Judges Choice
Category: Best Use of the Web

NPPA Best of Photojournalism Multimedia
Year: 2015
Place: First
Category: Documentary Multimedia Story

Pictures of the Year
Year: 2014
Place: Winner
Category: Documentary Project of the Year

Dart Awards
Year: 2015
Place: Finalist
Category: Excellence in Coverage of Trauma

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