MediaStorm Premieres 7 Films for the Wall St. Journal’s Fifth Annual Innovators Award at the Museum of Modern Art
MediaStorm produced seven films for the Wall St. Journal Magazine for its fifth annual Innovator Awards at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on November 4th. Seven trailblazing talents were honored for their groundbreaking accomplishments in their respective disciplines. We were thrilled to premiere our seven films on the honorees at this prestigious event. Selected by WSJ. Magazine editors, the honorees were: Richard Serra (Art); Mark Parker (Brand); Thomas Heatherwick (Design); Angelina Jolie Pitt (Entertainment/Film); Miuccia Prada (Fashion); Karl Ove Knausgaard (Literature); and Stewart Butterfield (Technology). Each winner was presented with an award designed by the 2011 Design winner Joris Laarman. The films provide a visual narrative on each of the awardees. They also serve both as record and testimony to the innovator’s work, and at the actual event, were used to introduce each awardee.