Join Brian Storm at the digiSTORY14 Conference
MediaStorm Executive Producer Brian Storm will join innovators, strategists and trend spotters at the digiSTORY14 Conference to share insights, secrets and stories about "The Power of Digital Storytelling." Experience a full day of captivating speakers in Kansas City’s historic Union Station on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014. Event Details Never in history has the ability to communicate been so pervasive. Mobile devices, apps and internet connectivity can bring any person or idea to your fingertips with a simple click. Yet, sharing your ideas and messages through the vast profusion of these digital assets can be mind-boggling. Advertisers, social media strategists, publishers, journalists, businesses, non-profits and government agencies have all discovered that a good story can stir peoples’ emotions and compel them to action. Learn how to use today's powerful digital media technology to get the right story to the right audience. Purchase tickets online.