Join Brian Storm at the digiSTORY14 Conference

MediaStorm Executive Producer Brian Storm will join innovators, strategists and trend spotters at the digiSTORY14 Conference to share insights, secrets and stories about "The Power of Digital Storytelling." Experience a full day of captivating speakers in Kansas City’s historic Union Station on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014. Event Details Never in history has the ability to communicate been so pervasive.  Mobile devices, apps and internet connectivity can bring any person or idea to your fingertips with a simple click. Yet, sharing your ideas and messages through the vast profusion of these digital assets can be mind-boggling. Advertisers, social media strategists, publishers, journalists, businesses, non-profits and government agencies have all discovered that a good story can stir peoples’ emotions and compel them to action.  Learn how to use today's powerful digital media technology to get the right story to the right audience. Purchase tickets online.  

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AI-AP Motion Art Awards Opens Call for Entries

American Illustration-American Photography (AI-AP), the leading juried annuals in North America, presents the fourth International Motion Art Awards (IMAA) celebrating photographers, illustrators and designers who make their work move in all media.

Entries of the year’s best photography, illustration, animation and design in motion can be submitted for award consideration through August 29, 2014.


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A Complete List of MediaStorm Guides to Premiere Pro

Below is an up-to-date list (August 2014) of all our Adobe Premiere Pro Guides. Of course, there are other non-editing guides available that can be found by searching the blog. But if you’re using Premiere Pro this list will hopefully serve you well. Happy editing. Audio MediaStorm Guide to Recording Voice-Over in Premiere Pro 2014 MediaStorm Guide to Adding Quick Audio Dissolves in Premiere Pro 2014 MediaStorm Guide to Adjusting Output Volume in Premiere Pro MediaStorm Guide to Adjusting Output Volume in Premiere Pro MediaStorm Guide to Adding EQ Presence MediaStorm Guide to Audio Configuration in Premiere Pro CC MediaStorm Guide to Fixing Missing Waveforms Backup MediaStorm Guide to Auto Saving Premiere Backups to the Cloud MediaStorm Guide to Enhancing Adobe Premiere Pro's Auto-Save Functionality Editing MediaStorm Guide to Selecting Clips in Premiere Pro Without a Mouse MediaStorm Guide to Copy and Pasting a Clip Range in Premiere Pro MediaStorm Guide to Dynamic…

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Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective Seeking New Members

The Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective (BFC), a tight-knit community of professional filmmakers in Brooklyn, is currently seeking new members. Centering around weekly peer workshops with a small group of filmmakers, BFC members present their work- which can range from documentaries, narratives, experimental films and hybrids- discuss issues and ideas related to their project, and receive feedback and discussion around production, funding, and distribution strategies with other group members. Periodically, the BFC also invites guest filmmakers and industry representatives to share their experiences and engage with members' work. This coming season meetings will be held at Union Docs in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Tuesday evenings.  The BFC application is due by Thursday, August 21st, 2014. If you have any questions, please reach out to About the Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective The Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective is a tight-knit community of professional filmmakers in Brooklyn, NY who are dedicated to innovative approaches to filmmaking. The collective comes together through weekly peer workshops…

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Bring MediaStorm Into Your Classroom

School will soon be in session and we want to go back to class with you. Last year, we launched our Educational Program, offering discounted Online Training subscriptions to students and instructors at accredited universities. Since then, journalism and multimedia programs around the country have made MediaStorm Online Training a part of their teaching strategy. In addition to full access to our library of training videos, we've added a complimentary companion curriculum for educators featuring quizzes and assignments developed by Beatriz Wallace of Duquesne University and Steve Rice at the University of Missouri - Columbia. Wallace had this to say about her experience using our Online Training in the classroom: MediaStorm Online Training captures students with seductive, rebellious and non-judgmental enthusiasm and faith in the possibilities of storytelling. The training videos drive the curriculum, assignments and final products. MediaStorm’s training videos constitute clear directives that prepare students for in-class assignments, editing, production and…

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