Forty-five years after Martin Luther King called on America to live out the true meaning of its creed - that all men are created equal - a senator from Illinois becomes the first African-American nominee of a major political party.
Forty-five years after Martin Luther King called on America to live out the true meaning of its creed - that all men are created equal - a senator from Illinois becomes the first African-American nominee of a major political party.
Photographers & Videographers
Laressa Bachelor
Judy DeHaas
Sonya Doctorian
Josh Duplechian
Andreas Furhmann
Preston Gannaway
John Glover
Rodolfo Gonzalez
Barry Gutierrez
Ellen Jaskol
George Kochaniec Jr.
Brian Lehmann
Joe Mahoney, Javier Manzano
Matt McClain
Linda McConnell
Darin McGregor
Ken Papaleo
Andy Piper
Anthony Plascencia
Wes Pope
Silvia Razgova
Chris Schneider
Dennis Schroeder
Sarah Varble
Todd Yates
Photography Editors
Janet Reeves
Mark Holm
Dean Krakel
Randall Roberts
Jay Quadracci
Tracey Trumbull
Vern Slocum
Video Producers
Jamie Aguilar
Glenn Barber
Tice Bain
Marie Griffin
Nick Hollensbe
Elizabeth Nayadley
Matt Roberts
Gabe Stein
Kate Szrom