
The Party began with a script. It is a work of imagination, like a short story.

The writer Andre Dubus once remarked that short stories are the way we communicate the events of our lives. They're how we tell each other things: what just happened at the grocery store checkout or the amazing turn of events at the bar last night.

Making The Party was an attempt to create such an event. I wanted to find out what would happen if a lonely middle-aged man decided he could speak honestly with an adolescent woman at a company party. Even more, I wanted to evoke the "vivid, continuous dream" of fiction.

But a filmmaker trying to describe his intent is a bit like a filmmaker offering an excuse. Still, one can hope, and hope is the antidote to loneliness. And that's a story worth telling. - Eric Maierson

Published: April 18th, 2007


Writer & Director


Robert Arcerno

Laura Jean Francis

Rhonda Keyser

Chris LaPanta

Paolo Nigris

Marla Reyes

Juliette Pagano

Julia Santana

Ray Wineteer

Special Thanks

Produced by Fast Buck Films in association with Topiary Productions


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