Flying in a motorized paraglider over one of the most diverse continents in the world, George Steinmetz captures the stunning beauty of Africa's landscapes and people. His pictures show not only the spectacular patterns of the land, but also the potential and hope that the continent encompasses.
Steinmetz made his first trip to Africa while in college, and spent two and a half years hitch-hiking across the continent.
"I didn't have a goal to change Africa. I just wanted to marinate in it," he said.
A self-taught photographer, Steinmetz has traveled through more than 30 countries in Africa photographing its diverse wildlife, landscape and culture. For the past decade much of his work has involved flying a ultralight aircraft to photograph remote landscapes. His foot-launched aircraft consists of a backpack motor and paraglider-style wing. It is the world's lightest and slowest motorized aircraft and allows a unique and more intimate style of aerial photography.
His photographs have appeared numerous times in National Geographic magazine and in the German edition of GEO.
Special Thanks
Portland Monthly: Photographer George Steinmetz Takes Africa by Air
Boston Handmade: Have you Heard of MediaStorm
Pro Nature Photographer: George Steinmetz Photographs and Films Africa by Air
yum yum cafe: Different Perspective
reddit: African Air by George Steinmetz
blog pepe melega: Africa - A look at the heights (Portugese - Translate)