In the 1970s, New York artist Joe Smith rented an apartment overlooking Fifth Avenue. In the years that followed, the rooms became a black hole of drug addiction, hopelessness, and squandered dreams.
A chance meeting with one of the residents drew photojournalist Jessica Dimmock to the apartment, where she embarked on an almost three-year journey into the lives of those living there.
Some estimates place numbers of heroin addicts in the United States at 600,000, with growing numbers of teenagers and young adults entering their ranks.
Focusing on three individuals, Dimmock watches and listens as the young people on the ninth floor fall into despair, then reflect on their choices and yearn for more. We are left with the reality of the drug's power, and the question: What does it take to kick the habit?
Special Thanks
Jessie, Rachel, Dionn, Joe Smith, Joey, Mike, Natasha, Charlie and the other residents of the Ninth Floor
The F Award for Concerned Photography (made available by Forma and Fabrica), The Inge Morath Foundation/Magnum Photos
NPPA's Best of Photojournalism
Year: 2008
Place: Second
Category: Feature Audio Slideshow
Year: 2008
Place: Honoree
Category: Public Service and Activism
reddit: A look into the lives of a junkie
v.log: Photojournalism Multimedia (Italian - Translate)
HTM: The Ninth Floor (Spanish - Translate)
inkblot*photography: The Ninth Floor by Jessica Dimmock
Katie K's Converged Blog: Intervening, but not entirely Jessica Dimmock heroin photography: The Ninth Floor
a flame in your heart: Jessica Dimmock
JRN 380 - Advanced Editing & Presentation / Web: Shocking Photo Gallery
the way I see it: 'Photography is BS'
Shrink Rap: The Ninth Floor: by Jessica Dimmock
NYPH10: Brian Storm (MediaStorm): In Conversation
FHJonline: Brilliant Internet journalism works (Dutch - Translate)
Visura: Interview: Brian Storm (MediaStorm)
SubmarineChannel: Top 10 Web Documentaries
Lindsey Hoffman's Broadcast Beat: Journalism Reflection: MediaStorm
Mike Does Multimedia: The Ninth Floor
Lisa Hoscheidt: A Different Way of Doing Things
What the hay?: Review of 'The Ninth Floor'
De Uitgeeffabriek: Brilliant journalism internet works (Dutch - Translate)
Kontextschmiede: Tell stories with images and sound (German - Translate)
La Novena Planta: The Ninth Floor: ravages of drugs (Spanish - Translate)
Teaching Online Journalism: Sad and tragic stories, and photojournalism
No Ego: The Ninth Floor (Czech - Translate)
Flickr: Hardcore Street Photography (HCSP)
AmericanSuburb X: Jessica Dimmock: Headlong into the rabbit hole...
Skronker: Internet Good. Heroin Bad.
StumbleUpon: MediaStorm: The Ninth Floor by Jessica Dimmock
SportsShooter: Amazing MultiMedia