Amber Bracken is a member of Rogue Collective and lifelong Albertan covering assignments across the province and farther from home. After getting her start as a staffer in daily newspapers, she has moved on to a freelance career and the pursuit of long-term projects. She has since worked with many clients, including National Geographic, The Globe and Mail, BuzzFeed, Reuters, Maclean’s, The Canadian Press, Postmedia, and Canadian Geographic. In her personal work, Bracken’s interest is in the intersection of photography, journalism, and public service, with a special focus on issues affecting Indigenous people. With the rise of movements like Idle No More, communities are increasingly empowered to fight for a more just relationship with the government and non-native people. She is looking for ways to represent and foster that strength. With that intention, Bracken has been building relationships in Indigenous communities and starting to document important issues around culture, environment, and the effects of intergenerational trauma from colonialism.
Photographer Amber Bracken recognized something deeper than a protest was afoot when hundreds of tribes gathered at the Standing Rock reservation in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.